All PCIe. Most released within the last 12-18 months. NEW TECH. All using PCIe. Some Mac-ONLY.
Sure, you could use a TB expansion chassis for many of them, but that is far from ideal. Processing power DOES matter if you, like me, use tons of complicated plugins such as synths, reverbs, and distortions/amp sims, many of which are massive resource hogs (anyone who's used FXpansion's Tremor or Guitar Rig 5 knows what I'm talking about). 16gb of ram - the "technical" max on any non-MP mac right now - is a joke when it comes to dealing with large sample libraries (East-West/QL, VSL, Cinesamples, LASS, Trillian/Omnisphere, etc.), never mind the 64-bit-ability.
I need a new Mac. Desktop. With 64-ish-gb of RAM.
I've been working on a hodgepodge MBP+chasis rig for a year now waiting for new MP's - and it does work, and yes I'm a stubborn silly bastard, but I wasn't dropping coin on a new tower until the tech was up to scratch. Could I have? Yes, but I wouldn't be able to do it again for quite a while (4-5years, probably).
But now, due to the obvious we're-working-on-it (I don't think they are elo-ing the MP, but instead have technical issues preventing an update, whether that be volume concerns from Intel or TB-compatability issues I don't care) so-called-"update" to the line - which I'm somewhat facetiously hoping someone sues them over for false advertising (how is 2 years old "new" in tech, ever?) - I'm stuck looking at other options. Moving away from OSX is NOT an option for me, for various reasons.
What Apple has done has made me look into ripping them out of money that I'd be glad to give them, either by going with a 2010 MP and a PC with Vienna Ensemble Pro to host my sample libraries, or by going Hackintosh. That is just silly of them, and has made me - a long time apple fanboy and fanatic - feel downright betrayed.
What Apple really needs to do is split off the PRO segment of their product line - Mac Pro, Logic, FCP, Aperture, 17" MBP, Server - into a separate "daughter" company that isn't as constrained by the secrecy that serves the strictly-consumer iOS, iMac, and MacBook market so well. I actually LIKE their secrecy policy, when it comes to consumer devices - it is a brilliant, and obviously successful, marketing ploy that will continue to serve them well. But, when it comes to content creators and other PROS who depend on products that they've been supporting for a long time, we NEED MORE INFO. Like now, while I contemplate my options for a new rig, I still am left wondering if there will be a new MP in, say, Q4 - in which case I'll keep making do with what I have. Since they are giving me nothing, I really want to move ahead anyway, so they are losing out on my money - and I'm quite sure that there are some big production houses (TV, mostly) that were waiting to upgrade their whole systems ($100k+ minimum investment, usually over $1m) who are now in the same predicament...
Ok, so this turned into a rant. See the links above if you want to know why a pro music guy would still want PCIe, and look up KONA and Red and Avid Nitris if you want to know about video. The MP is not just about specs, it is about expandability - and TB is just not cutting it yet.
All PCIe. Most released within the last 12-18 months. NEW TECH. All using PCIe. Some Mac-ONLY.
Sure, you could use a TB expansion chassis for many of them, but that is far from ideal. Processing power DOES matter if you, like me, use tons of complicated plugins such as synths, reverbs, and distortions/amp sims, many of which are massive resource hogs (anyone who's used FXpansion's Tremor or Guitar Rig 5 knows what I'm talking about). 16gb of ram - the "technical" max on any non-MP mac right now - is a joke when it comes to dealing with large sample libraries (East-West/QL, VSL, Cinesamples, LASS, Trillian/Omnisphere, etc.), never mind the 64-bit-ability.
I need a new Mac. Desktop. With 64-ish-gb of RAM.
I've been working on a hodgepodge MBP+chasis rig for a year now waiting for new MP's - and it does work, and yes I'm a stubborn silly bastard, but I wasn't dropping coin on a new tower until the tech was up to scratch. Could I have? Yes, but I wouldn't be able to do it again for quite a while (4-5years, probably).
But now, due to the obvious we're-working-on-it (I don't think they are elo-ing the MP, but instead have technical issues preventing an update, whether that be volume concerns from Intel or TB-compatability issues I don't care) so-called-"update" to the line - which I'm somewhat facetiously hoping someone sues them over for false advertising (how is 2 years old "new" in tech, ever?) - I'm stuck looking at other options. Moving away from OSX is NOT an option for me, for various reasons.
What Apple has done has made me look into ripping them out of money that I'd be glad to give them, either by going with a 2010 MP and a PC with Vienna Ensemble Pro to host my sample libraries, or by going Hackintosh. That is just silly of them, and has made me - a long time apple fanboy and fanatic - feel downright betrayed.
What Apple really needs to do is split off the PRO segment of their product line - Mac Pro, Logic, FCP, Aperture, 17" MBP, Server - into a separate "daughter" company that isn't as constrained by the secrecy that serves the strictly-consumer iOS, iMac, and MacBook market so well. I actually LIKE their secrecy policy, when it comes to consumer devices - it is a brilliant, and obviously successful, marketing ploy that will continue to serve them well. But, when it comes to content creators and other PROS who depend on products that they've been supporting for a long time, we NEED MORE INFO. Like now, while I contemplate my options for a new rig, I still am left wondering if there will be a new MP in, say, Q4 - in which case I'll keep making do with what I have. Since they are giving me nothing, I really want to move ahead anyway, so they are losing out on my money - and I'm quite sure that there are some big production houses (TV, mostly) that were waiting to upgrade their whole systems ($100k+ minimum investment, usually over $1m) who are now in the same predicament...
Ok, so this turned into a rant. See the links above if you want to know why a pro music guy would still want PCIe, and look up KONA and Red and Avid Nitris if you want to know about video. The MP is not just about specs, it is about expandability - and TB is just not cutting it yet.