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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 31, 2008
I just recently jailbroke my 2.0.1 3G iPhone. Now I have a few questions that would be nice to know and answer too.

Will we ever get SummerBoard for 2.0? Winterboard is OK, I guess, but I loved SummerBoard.

When I enter source in Installer (that I know work), Installer says that it can't decode it or some bullcrap like that. How do I fix that?

When I run fugu, it says access denied, although I know I can Open SSH, because I did it in terminal, but I want to use fugu to transfer roms (unless someone knows a working emulator and rom source). How do I fix that?

And does anyone know where I can find the MobileFinder app? I love that app.

All answers and source links are welcome. Thanks!
triple posting is being patient?

Installer died,
you have to re-port summer board to 2.0 if you want to use it.
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