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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 21, 2008
First off, LOVE my iPad, and am looking forward to iOS4 on it so I can get all the nice things my iPhone 4 can do...

I'll also preface this by saying I'm a software developer, although new to doing iOS related stuff (although I did write one app for use at work back in the 2.x days...)

Anyhow, I'd really like to see the following features added to iOS:

1) A way for safari to do file UPLOADS and downloads... For the uploads, I'd have no problem with them, instead of giving a full file system access, instead let you select from maybe a shared document/file repository app that responds to a special API (something that apps like Goodreader, AirSharing, etc. could then implement), and also give access to the photos section.

So something like this:

Goodreader implements this "shared file repository" API, and registers with the system as the default (or maybe as one of multiple) shared file repositories. Whenever You hit a "Select file to upload" button, or any file-related action in a web page, Safari queries the system, looks for which apps registered to be shared repositories, opens those apps in the background (or the small stub portion just to allow the file IO) and then can access the data within, or store data into them.

2) Alternatively, I'd REALLY like to see some sort of data sharing API between apps, done on a subscriber/publisher type model, with security restrictions between pairs of apps that the user can control. We actually have a need for this sort of capability in the apps we'd like to do at my workplace (1 app acting as the data repository for multiple other apps.)

Those are the two biggies in my mind....
I would love to be able to just delete pics off of it like my iPhone.

Yeah, agreed... or at least let you set them up into folders how YOU want them... I mean, it'll let you save photos off the web, but it puts them in just a general catch-all area which kinda sucks since you can't organize them at all.

Eh, maybe as the iPhoto app on it gets better...
How about PDF support in Safari ? To include both read and save.

Well, I could live with it allowing you to "save" or "save and open" and have it push the data into something like Goodreader (or maybe iBooks) and open it up, then let you go back to the browser later.
Also, you can save PDFs and other files directly to GoodReader by loading said file into Safari, then adding the letter "g" o the front of the web address, usually ending up with something like "ghttp" etc. It works great! For 99 cents, GoodReader is as close to a file system as you're gonna get at this point and works like a charm in a myriad of instances.
Also, you can save PDFs and other files directly to GoodReader by loading said file into Safari, then adding the letter "g" o the front of the web address, usually ending up with something like "ghttp" etc. It works great! For 99 cents, GoodReader is as close to a file system as you're gonna get at this point and works like a charm in a myriad of instances.

I have tried the g thing. I have never gotten the cursor to the beginning to put the g. So I copy and past the web address to Goodreader. I also noticed I can now open pdf's online with Safari.
Sync to more than one computer/library without having to delete or overwrite data
Drag and drop files without needing itunes
Hard Drive Directory
Send/Download Attachments through emails
Print (natively)
Search, sort, and create folders for your photos from the ipad
Expanded Bluetooth compatibility
File share from iPad to iPad
VGA connector that puts whatever is on your iPad's screen onto whatever screen you're connected to
More USB compatibility
I have tried the g thing. I have never gotten the cursor to the beginning to put the g. So I copy and past the web address to Goodreader. I also noticed I can now open pdf's online with Safari.

FWIW, tap the address bar, tap and hold to bring up the magnifying glass, then slide to the left and let go. The cursor will be placed in front of "http" then type a "g" and away you go.

Copying and pasting between the browser and GoodReader works, too, but this might save you a little bit of time moving forward...
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