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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 13, 2018
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
I have a Macbook Pro Mid 2012 13" LAPTOP which I have partitioned using bootcamp and installed Window 7. Since I have been using it for a while now after backing up my files I erased my OS X Mountain Lion only with the intent of Recovering it from the internet, I only came to find out that it takes a very long time '19 hours' in my case using the best connection I managed to find. So in the mean time I have just been using the Windows platform partition on the bootcamp, but when I tried to open it yesterday, it was showing me a folder with a flashing question mark, which I came to find out to mean a failure to find start up files, which might have been caused due to closing my laptop before it fully hibernated. Yesterday I had been trying to recover the OS X to fix the bootcamp though disk utilities when all of a sudden the windows partition started working again. I quickly backed up my files and was hoping it would continue to work but up on trying to start up and access the windows I am still getting the folder with the flashing question mark. I am wondering if the issue is really caused due to missing start up files or other problems such as RAM and video card error, because I have been also getting in the past months three beeps upon starting up my laptop every now and then which i have been dealing with by three knocks on the back of the laptop. I am an architect and have a lot of deadlines and have been failing to find 19 hours to recover the OS X, and been using only the windows. I already know I have to recover the OS X no matter what, but was wondering since the windows appears and disappears again if I am dealing with a hardware problem such as RAM or a video driver or card error.
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