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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 17, 2007
Vallejo, CA
I was out walking my uncle's dogs the other day and i snapped a shot i just loved. i converted it to black and white because i thought it fits.
How can i make the file small enough the smallest i can get it in aperture is 500kb:confused:

here i put it on Filckr


macrumors 65816
Not quite sure I understand your question. You took a picture (with new cameras, I'll venture a guess that it's over 500kb). You want to get it into Aperture as small as possible?

Why don't you insert the original into Aperture, and you can make a B&W there, crop it, make it as small as you want, and then export it?

EDIT: Oh, you mean to post it here.... Gotcha. If you have it up on flickr, just get the image address (right click on an image, then select "copy address". When you post it here, just select that yellow box with the mountain, and past the address there. It doesn't have to be that small.

Fearless Leader

macrumors 68020
Mar 21, 2006
to post here, look at the export screen (right click -> export -> export version) and email medium should be small enough to upload here. if not go down to edit and you can play around with those settings.


macrumors 68020
Do you have Photoshop? if you do you can load my special action for pulling detail out of colour to b/w conversions. It's pretty clever, if I do say so myself. I'm sure you can get more separation there.

unfortunately the sample shots are not in the thread any longer but it's still explained.

To use the action, load it and try the B/W green channel action. When the Hue and Sat box come up use the Hue slider to control the colour to b/w contrast, then use the Saturation slider for extra effect.

Edit: here's a quick sample, I just pulled this stock shot off the web and ran the B/W green channel action, and spent about 10 seconds on it.


  • x.jpg
    17.3 KB · Views: 101


macrumors 601
Feb 27, 2005
Do you have Photoshop? if you do you can load my special action for pulling detail out of colour to b/w conversions. It's pretty clever, if I do say so myself. I'm sure you can get more separation there.
....Edit: here's a quick sample, I just pulled this stock shot off the web and ran the B/W green channel action, and spent about 10 seconds on it.
This sounds neat. I will have to give it a try.


macrumors 601
Oct 5, 2006
Northern/Central VA
It's not a bad shot, but I think it could be a bit better with just a few changes:

The blade of grass on the right side of the dog's face comes too close to the eye- and it leads the eye away from the dog's expression

Cropping out most of the grass on the left (or alternately most of the grass on both sides, but more on the left) would make for a stronger non-centered composition- portrait mode originally would have worked a bit better. So would have shooting a bit more of an angle.

I think a lowered perspective would have been good too, but it might have been difficult to achieve with the grass in the way.

The blacks look fine to me, though I'd probably try to pull a bit more detail out from under the nose. The whites look pretty-much where I'd want them to still have highlight details.
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