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can you sue an open source project?

and please, maybe some Linux developers should sue Apple for (FINALLY) incorporating Spaces (AKA Work Spaces) in their Mac OS X
But there are three elements to consider...

There are three things here:

1) the small, cube-like form factor

2) the word "Mini" in the name of the product

3) the interface, which features design elements from OS/X Leopard, including a three-dimensional dock, a background that resembles outer space, and a "fanning out" of icons.

Previous incarnations of the gOS didn't look like this. It seems like Everex is deliberately trying to make a Mac Mini knock-off. Any one or two by itself probably wouldn't constitute "look and feel", but the more elements are put together....

Remember, Apple is going after NYC because their logos look similar. What about a whole computer? said:
A Linux operating system designed for the 100,000,000 MySpace users

Says it all really, doesn't it!

They can't really be sued over the shape of the computer, or the word 'Mini'...
From their site:

Anirudh Acharya, Lead Interface Designer

Anirudh is the creator and maintainer for the popular Ubuntu theme “Mac4Lin” that transforms the look and feel of a Linux OS to Mac OS X Leopard.
Man, after seeing the screenshot with the leopard-esque dock, and then seeing the website, it looks like they are trying to emulate Leopard and OSX in general.

what gave you that idea:p

actually it looks like they are trying to emulate APPLE as a whole..which, there really isnt any law aginst
Previous incarnations of the gOS didn't look like this. It seems like Everex is deliberately trying to make a Mac Mini knock-off. Any one or two by itself probably wouldn't constitute "look and feel", but the more elements are put together....

That's the first time that I've seen the gOS stacks clone.

If it makes you feel better, gOS is fairly widely perceived as garbage in the Linux community...
It actually is. Some poor misguided people might actually think those are Apple products because it's very similar both in name, look, and design which would detract from Apple sales. I'd say there could be some sort of legal implications involved if it ships like that. If it's just a custom gui people can grab, then no.

Not legal advice blah blah.

Well.. it they're copying the os, the look of the hardware, and the look of the website, here is the look of their new logo. ;)


  • gOS.jpg
    30.6 KB · Views: 65
First off the GOS dock is an absolute rip off. The GOS stack is an absolute rip off.
But, as stated above Spaces is a direct rip off from Linux. I think imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Apple devs please copy the Linux 3D rotating cube desktop soon! :)
As far as GOS being garbage I think thats an unfair assessment. It Ubuntu based which in turn means its Debian based. The windows manager is Enlightenment DR17 which is one of the best wm's I have ever used. I always thought GOS was a "proof of concept" distro. I didn't think it would be much more than that.
I don't see the point in getting this if I could get an Apple refurb for a similar price and actually have the mac dock and stacks without having to fake it.

Here is a link to a GOS Space video on Youtube.

If you need other things to whine about.
Linux has also copied:
1. Apples window effects. (They also have come up with some I like better)
2. An Expose ripoff.
3. Linux has copied your icons, but actually makes them easy to replace without having to purchase an app like Candybar.
4. Linux has copied Mac's "Appearance" with many wallpapers - windows styles etc.
It actually is. Some poor misguided people might actually think those are Apple products because it's very similar both in name, look, and design which would detract from Apple sales. I'd say there could be some sort of legal implications involved if it ships like that. If it's just a custom gui people can grab, then no.

Not legal advice blah blah.

It is the same people that get confused by Hydrox cookies. If they are not smart enough to know its not an Oreo it is their problem.
Who do you sue when the conflict is over an open source program? The writer I suppose.

The opposite is impossible (Linux developers suing Apple). Because it's open source, ANYONE can use it, modify it, or come up with other ideas based on it. Plus Leopard is older than this, and it is REALLY hard to steal from something that doesn't exist yet. :)
I was okay with the product alone, but there web site is over the top. I would think Apple would at least issue a cease and diciest order or whatever it's called.
Individual elements may not be enough to sue, but the whole package is enough to warrant a lawsuit in this case. I'm not a fan of the whole sueing thing, but this is blatant, even if the company taking them to court owns billions.

First step is to get them to remove the website.

I imagine Apple's already been in touch.
I don't believe it, why doesn't apple sue the apple fruit then?


gOS rips off leopard? what do you think leopard is? a stack+a dock? get real!

Apple would have sued and stop gOS from ever appearing in the market! if apple has that patent.

and guess what? they didn't. apple does ripping off all the time as well. In case you forgot.
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