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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jul 14, 2003
Omicron Persei 8

I've had a Nikon Coolpix 2100 (2MP) for almost three years now, and I would like to buy a new digital camera.

I don't want to spend more than £200 ($375) however I would prefer to spend in the region of £150 ($280).

Which cameras would you recommend? I have been thinking about the Canon Digital IXUS 55 and it seems really nice and has a metal enclosure instead of plastic. I am going on holiday in 2 weeks, so I would like to buy it before this. I am not looking for an SLR (or whatever their called)!

Thank you for any assistance. Should I maybe get a better model of the camera I have right now? The Nikon Coolpix 5600 for example?
FearFactor47 said:

I've had a Nikon Coolpix 2100 (2MP) for almost three years now, and I would like to buy a new digital camera.

I don't want to spend more than £200 ($375) however I would prefer to spend in the region of £150 ($280).

Which cameras would you recommend? I have been thinking about the Canon Digital IXUS 55 and it seems really nice and has a metal enclosure instead of plastic. I am going on holiday in 2 weeks, so I would like to buy it before this. I am not looking for an SLR (or whatever their called)!

Thank you for any assistance. Should I maybe get a better model of the camera I have right now? The Nikon Coolpix 5600 for example?

i just bought a canon sd600, great picture quality and battery only gripe- no batter gauge! it was around 320 bucks, but i got my friend's employee discount and got it for 280
cloudblood84 said:
i just bought a canon sd600, great picture quality and battery only gripe- no batter gauge! it was around 320 bucks, but i got my friend's employee discount and got it for 280

Squeeze a little more out and get this. It is small enough that you will have it with you so you will get the pix.

Canon Ixus 800

If you really want to keep the price down, just get an Ixus 700 or 600
I highly recommend Canon. Just check out a site like DPReview for more research, but I have a Canon Digital Elph and love it - as cloudblood84 said though, no battery gauge! ;)
Well I'm getting a new Sony Cybershot that I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND!

It's a Sony Cybershot DSC-S600, 6MP, 3x Optical Zoom and is quite compact. And the best thing is, it only cost $200.

The only thing that I dislike is that it only uses the sony flash media called: Sony Memory Stick DOU. So that means that if you have an old digital camera with COMPACT FLASH or SD Card you can't use them here.

All in all a very fine camera and at a very very good price.
Kingsly said:
Canon is the ONLY digital camera maker as far as Im concerned. I have the Powershot SD 200 and the 10D and they are both totally great.

While we currently have 3 Canon's in my family, and 5 digital models over the past 5 years, I'll just say that Canon isn't the only good choice for small cameras out there. They're ALL quite good.

Look at the incredibly thin Sony model (forgot the model number). It's half the thickness of an IXUS 55, and probably 1/3rd the thickness of an IXUS 600 or any of those models. Sony's cameras take good photos. Sony even supplies Canon, Nikon, Kodak, and many of the big players with the CCD sensors they use in their cameras. ;)

Pentax and Olympus are 2 other great companies. Their offerings are very good right now. Fuji products right now have stepped up as well.

Anyone who just talks about Canon doesn't know their camera options. Having 60% of the market doesn't make Canon the best. ;)

*looks at person with the Dell, WinXP laptop sitting to his right*
well in our family we've been through a (listing in order of date)

fuji- good quaility but broke immediately after the 1 year warrentee went out

cannon- really good camera but with all canons (and i am saying this with experience because i have also used the film and film slr version), i feel the auto focus is sluggish and not provide enough finesse. program is ok, but as i have -1gig sony laptop running on 512ram, the program was incredibly memory intesive and often crash, but then my computer often crashes...

the skinny sony( rev. before the newest one avaliable (the one with only 1/2 a sliding front) - aww what a beauty. and the carl zeiss lens is really welcomed. i've ditched the whole software approach because frankly, i used to use sony's music program and it sucked to high heaven. Pros- start up time really fast as you just flick the panel in the front- great for candids! Cons are... hmm few cons but again i find the focus sluggish. memory chips are really expensive and you'd really want at least 512 or 1 gig stick. also they are really small- ie easy to loose. And you have to use this funny attachment to download from stick- again anothing thing to loose. charging from camera would be nice but i guess they can't put everything into that tiny tiny box.

my mom is currently using a panasonic/ leica. i know they are more expensive and less established but WOW the quality of pictures are so amazing- compared with her camera (at 5mp each) her pictures are out of this world. there is actual depth of field! and also the other thing is like many of the semi- profession cameras out there, there are provisions for apeture- automatic/ shutter- automatic/ 100% manual. only camera i've ever used where the focusing tool is nearly satisfying enough. my uncle is a professional photographer and according to him and his chums its the best compact automatic digital around in terms of photo quality (they don't really care about the aftermath).

what you need really depends on what you are using it for- for example my mom is an avid photographer but she doesn't like the weight, so she wants something that gives her quality and room to improve. i tend to use my film slr still, so my digital is only for when i am out and when i need to cut weight down on holiday. as my main camera is almost completely manual (the only automatic thing it does is tell you whether your ap/shut is at the right light level) i do find that i am personally biased against most automatic focus as they just don't give you that extra ability to adjust focus in detail and its difficult to get it to focus on exactly the right point of the picture.

furthermore, you have to consider the size of the monitor you are displaying the pictures on (if you use them as a background). i tend to limit mine to 3mp because i use a laptop and it has a 13/14 inch screen. my mom has a 20 inch imac and she finds 5mp the base level because otherwise 'you see the individual dots'. and the more mp you go the more expensive it is...

the best thing to do is to play with your friend's digitals for a little while- even 10/ 15 shots suffices. you can test how well the thing focus, how it feels in your hand- for example the boys i know tend to find the skinny sony difficult to handle because it doesn't really provide enough space for big fingers. you can also see the quality of picture actually downloaded onto the computer et.c. i know it sounds time consuming, but everyone is different so what we might say is the best here and how it feels is not necessarily what you think it will feel like as we all have our personal biases (like liking macs). and ask them what its like if they dropped it. my cannon had a huge dent (or dents) in it because i dropped it all the time when i was out but still worked. i've dropped my sony once or twice and it is still fine, though its starting to get scratched. arr!

i'd suggest definitely a carl- zeiss/ leica lens as they are definitely worth the extra money, but if you choose these lenses you will be serverely limited by brand and price as they tend to be a bit dearer. otherwise it is just what feels right for you. also you have to think of really small cameras as coming with a price premium and therefore are often less capable of bigger ones (like laptops vs desktop etc), so think of whether you want one that is really light, or one that is light (or if you are a girl, whether you want the thing to fit into your hand bag with space to spare for all the other junk you are throwing into it etc)

i hope this really long winded reply helped! have fun on your holiday! oh and if you are beaching it, splash proof ability is always helpful because you don't want to kill the camera on your first holiday and everyone wants beach pictures.

sorry i can't give you a definite model. i love my sony, but i got it nearly a year ago now, and i know they have had at least one new model out since then. its a good camera... oh its a t7 if you are interested... may be you can get it a bit cheaper since its old.
Is the Leica really that good? I love my 35mm Leica so much that I was wondering about this camera. DPReview didn't seem overly impressed. Anyone else here with experience with these?
^^^Netdog, sometimes.....just sometimes.....I really want to smack the guys at DPReview. :p Some of their tests are so idiotic and irrelevent, I'm surprised I still go to them first. I go to them first because they seem to review so much, and they're such a big site. But I always make sure I look elsewhere for reviews as well, since I trust them more.

Anyway, pick up some of the Olympus, Sony, Pentax, Fuji, Panasonic, Canon, etc etc, and see how good they feel, like Fatties suggested. In terms of photo quality, they're all very similar. The ease of use of the controls, feel in your hand, and durability are the main issues for these small cameras, not photo quality. Some cameras are even "shockproof" and waterproof up to 9 feet now. :eek:

Oh, and buy one with a viewfinder (ie: the glass window that you look through on non-digital cameras to see your subject) so that it's easier to take photos at night. It's easier to keep a camera steady if you press it against your face rather than use the LCD viewfinder, and sometimes the LCD isn't sensitive enough and makes everything look black at night, even though your eyes can see dark details.

fatties said:
my mom is currently using a panasonic/ leica. i know they are more expensive and less established but WOW the quality of pictures are so amazing- compared with her camera (at 5mp each) her pictures are out of this world. there is actual depth of field! and also the other thing is like many of the semi- profession cameras out there, there are provisions for apeture- automatic/ shutter- automatic/ 100% manual. only camera i've ever used where the focusing tool is nearly satisfying enough. my uncle is a professional photographer and according to him and his chums its the best compact automatic digital around in terms of photo quality (they don't really care about the aftermath).

Thanks for the review of the Panasonic/Leica. Is it one of the "Big zoom" Panasonics with the 10x zoom or whatever? Some of these big zoom cameras are supposed to be quite good. :)

PS: We have a Digital Photography forum here at MacRumours. ;)

furthermore, you have to consider the size of the monitor you are displaying the pictures on (if you use them as a background). i tend to limit mine to 3mp because i use a laptop and it has a 13/14 inch screen. my mom has a 20 inch imac and she finds 5mp the base level because otherwise 'you see the individual dots'. and the more mp you go the more expensive it is...

Yes, but if you ever crop digital photos, you'll realize how valuable those extra MPs are. If you don't ever plan on cropping, then a 4 MP camera is more than what you'd need on the best LCD at the moment (I think). And the number of MP you need doesn't only depend on monitor size. It depends on the resolution of the monitor. If your screen is only 1024 x 768 pixels (or around 2 MP), and you don't ever plan on cropping photos, then I guess a 2 MP camera is all you need if you stick with your monitor. If your monitor can display 1900 x ???? pixels, and your camera is only taking photos at 1600 x ????, then you're gonna see big "squares" in your photo if you ever use it as your wallpaper.

And I think 5 MP is all you'll need in the foreseeable future. Anything more in a small camera is just for marketing and salespeople.
I'm a Panasonic convert who has tried both Nikon and Canon. I recently picked up the new Panasonc Lumix TZ1 and am very happy with it. To me, it is the ideal every day camera, It is fairly compact but still has a 10X optical zoom thanks to folded optics. It has optical image stabilization, which makes it possible to shoot in lower light without flash. 5MP resolution, metal body.

The camera's only shortcoming is lack of manual setting of shutter speed or aperture. It does however have a slew of scene modes and an easy to use menu system. It can be had for a little over $300 in the U.S.
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