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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 15, 2005
Been SOO long since i've posted any photo stuff...i've been going through a little slump with it but i took this picture not long ago

nothing "breathtaking" but i hope you enjoy


My Photography
iCloud icons site

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
Love this image!

I wish I had more of the adventurous eye to come up something like this. I am more of a Straight Photographer (iGary, hope you weren't drinking anything when you read that - I will not be resonsible for damage to your keyboard. :D ).

I look for what life offers me, and aim my camera at it. I admire the eye you have as shown in this image.

Here is an image that I captured in Reykjavik in late February. Just a sight that I saw in my first walk about town my first day in. Graffiti is big in Reykjavik; but this had to be the most thoughtful installation.

I guess I feel guilty sometimes with images like the one I posted. I mean from the stand point of who's art is it? Is it the graffiti artist, or is it mine for trying to capture it for others to share?


  • P1000162.jpg
    35.8 KB · Views: 115


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 15, 2005
I'm confused...this photo is not set up in any way, shape or form


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
But you did put a leaf on top of that box or holder, right? I mean, it's not like you were walking down the street one day and came across a leaf in a box. That's all I meant. I normally just go out and shoot landscapes or something, and always find these sort of shots more interesting because it's something I've never tried.


macrumors regular
Mar 1, 2006
Fertile, MN

This is an aesthetically clean shot! The green leaf offsets the greyish background and creates a feeling of calm compositioning. The off-centered placement and angle of the shadow box keep the composition interesting and leaves a balanced negative/positive relationship to the right side.

This is only one suggestion which you don't have to do since the picture is great as it is.

Play with the lighting so that the shadow of the box elongates in length. Play with the length so that it reaches out towards the empty space.



macrumors 6502
Jan 5, 2006
icloud said:
Been SOO long since i've posted any photo stuff...i've been going through a little slump with it but i took this picture not long ago

nothing "breathtaking" but i hope you enjoy

I quite like this peice, where was this taken. I don't think Ive ever seen a leaf in a box?

it kinda reminds me a telus (for those who are canadian they will understand, not sure if its offered in US).
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