Why hello there folks. I figured along the negative stories some of you could use a positive one for once, so here I go.
I've been wanting a Mac for years. Graphic design is my passion, and I love everything revolving it. A few weeks ago, it seemed I could finally get a Mac. I was particulary interested in the iMac. I've been lurking this forum for quite some time aswell, and reading the stories about the iMac's faults.
I was then a little worried about getting my iMac, but I went ahead and ordered my iMac after all, 2 weeks ago.
And for a few days now I'm playing around with the iMac. And I am glad to say, it is absolutely 100% perfect. No yellow tinge, no hard-drive issues, nothing at all. It's amazingly quiet. I got the i5 27'' model.
And this is actually my first Mac ever. I've used PC's all my life. And not only software-wise is this an upgrade.
My old PC had a Single-Core Intel processor, running at 2GHZ. 1 GB of DDR RAM. NVidia 6600GT videocard. Tiny 17'' screen. And look at my specs now!
I also just love working on this thing. I can work so much faster now, putting windows side-by-side, running so many programs at once, it's just so efficient.
So I am glad to report that there are still perfect iMacs out there. And I consider myself a very lucky fellow, that my first Mac ever, is not only a great mac, it's a problem-free mac.
Hopefully this puts some faith back in the users considering purchasing an iMac.
I've been wanting a Mac for years. Graphic design is my passion, and I love everything revolving it. A few weeks ago, it seemed I could finally get a Mac. I was particulary interested in the iMac. I've been lurking this forum for quite some time aswell, and reading the stories about the iMac's faults.
I was then a little worried about getting my iMac, but I went ahead and ordered my iMac after all, 2 weeks ago.
And for a few days now I'm playing around with the iMac. And I am glad to say, it is absolutely 100% perfect. No yellow tinge, no hard-drive issues, nothing at all. It's amazingly quiet. I got the i5 27'' model.
And this is actually my first Mac ever. I've used PC's all my life. And not only software-wise is this an upgrade.
My old PC had a Single-Core Intel processor, running at 2GHZ. 1 GB of DDR RAM. NVidia 6600GT videocard. Tiny 17'' screen. And look at my specs now!
I also just love working on this thing. I can work so much faster now, putting windows side-by-side, running so many programs at once, it's just so efficient.
So I am glad to report that there are still perfect iMacs out there. And I consider myself a very lucky fellow, that my first Mac ever, is not only a great mac, it's a problem-free mac.
Hopefully this puts some faith back in the users considering purchasing an iMac.