wel i'm looking for a good download manager. i've tried iGetter and Monica a while back, but they didn't work then and now all people say about those apps is that they corrupt your downloads.
anyone konws an app that will let you specify a full URL for a jpg, mpeg, html file and then let you download it without corrupting the download or stuffing it up?
that would be ssooo good to have a decent download manager.
edit>> well i just came accross Get-A-Matic. http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/22336
it seems to be ok so far, although it doesn't have resume. maybe i will try some of those other apps and hope they don't corrupt the downloads.
anyone konws an app that will let you specify a full URL for a jpg, mpeg, html file and then let you download it without corrupting the download or stuffing it up?
that would be ssooo good to have a decent download manager.
edit>> well i just came accross Get-A-Matic. http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/22336
it seems to be ok so far, although it doesn't have resume. maybe i will try some of those other apps and hope they don't corrupt the downloads.