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Brendon Bauer

macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 14, 2007
Good 'ol USofA
Ok, so here goes my story...

The phone slipped through a hole in my pocket that had apparently grown larger than I last remembered it. It dropped to the ground at which point I heard it. I turned around to see it slide down a dirt bank about 5 feet and *ploop* into a stream. The moment I saw it on the ground I practically dove for it so I would estimate it was in the water for no longer than about 1 second...

I had an invishield and a griffin case on it, so no physical damage to the phone. Of course though, it acted funny from the water exposure, like saying "This accessory is not made for the iPhone" every now and then. As soon as I got it out of the water I turned it off and then proceeded to dry it off and blow the water out of the dock port and headphone jack. It would turn on every few minutes to tell me this accessory was not supported on my iphone... I'm not sure how it started up like that after I completely powered it off. Anyhow, I shut it off every time it turned on. A few things I noted that night was that the sound didn't work, it didn't have cell coverage, and the home button didn't work.

Once I got home I let it air dry over night. In the morning the sound worked. I then wrapped it in nylon and put it in a sealed tupperware full of rice all day. After that, the home button worked and it appears to function fine. Everything works accept for the fact that it doesn't get more than 1 bar of service. Sometimes it says "no service" and other times it reads AT&T and has the lowest bar of service, if that even counts as one.

Am I out of luck or is there something I can do to fix this? Is it related to the sim card, or did the water physically damage/fry something? I figured most of my problems would go away once the water was gone so it couldn't short things out.

I tried doing a search but didn't find anything except people saying have it replaced for $199.

I tried looking down into the headphone jack using a lamp, which doesn't work too well... I can't seem to find a flashlight so I'll have to find one and look when I get a chance. I'll let you know what I find!
I don't condone being a liar, but I would just set up an appointment st the genius bar and aim to get a new phone. That's heavily unfortunate, just be more careful next time.
Well, I am nowhere near an apple store so that makes it hard.

On a positive note, like I said before the phone is fully functioning now. I am even slowly getting better service. Where yesterday I had no service, today I have a bar or two. I think it's recovering :D!

I'd like to think of my iphone as being baptized :rolleyes: so it will come back better than ever ;)

Still haven't found a flashlight to see if the water sensor was tripped... I'm really curious though!
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