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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 10, 2009
Southern Illinois
I have decided to get a 2.4 12 care macpro at the start of August, if the world doesn't end by then! Not joking! AS far as I can tell is that it comes with Mountain Lion Loaded or will by then with a ML DVD install ldisk

I have heard/read all sorts of people saying they are sorry they ever loaded lion and or MOUNTAIN LION!

Everyone I read that upgraded from Snow Leopard to LION wish they hadn't


Also MY animation program is not 100% yet on lion and certainly NOT ML.

Does anyone have any comment suggestions if I over write Lion/Mountain Lion with snow leopard until my program is 100% with lion/ML
If you absolutely hate mt lion, all you will need to do is get a snow leopard disk and downgrade. The hardware in the Mac pros is the same since 2010 (ie back in snow leopard days)
I've never been less interested in an OSX update as much as with Lion/Mt. Lion.

Happily running latest Snow Leopard here.
Everyone I read that upgraded from Snow Leopard to LION wish they hadn't


Not Everyone!! I have three computers all upgraded to Lion from Snow Leopard and No problems at all that I have encountered. The oldest is a Mid 2007 iMac so even it will manage Mountain Lion when released. Most of the software I use is from Apple so maybe that's why I have not encountered any problems.

Enjoy your Mac Pro when it arrives. I am patiently waiting for an updated iMac :)
I hate Lion. I have it on a separate HD when I need to test some program I am writing, but my main work OS is 10.6.8 still. You could do the same, put Lion/ML on a separate disk and try it. If you don't like it, erase it and have more storage. Or just keep it for booting/maintenance.
The worst part about Lion is the auto-saving and auto-closing of apps, plus the auto-reopening of apps/windows. So Annoying, I *&%$ curse at those things every time I use Lion. Worst Apple OS Ever.
I like 10.8. Like 10.7, 10.6, 10.x, 9.x, 8.x, 7.x, 6.x ...

All have been improvements. There will always be those who don't like change and they are LOUD.
I like 10.8. Like 10.7, 10.6, 10.x, 9.x, 8.x, 7.x, 6.x ...

All have been improvements. There will always be those who don't like change and they are LOUD.

I beg to differ on 9.x (9 was Macs version of Windows Me in my opinion), but agree on the others :)

Almost all of the complaints i have heard are about the SPEED on certian programs. Specialy 3D Programs! a lot say after they went from SN to lion or ML the speed reduction was very noticable
I code OpenCL, and my code works fine on Lion 10.7.3 on Intel CPUs and my nVidia and AMD GPUs. But if I upgrade to 10.7.4, my code no longer works on the AMD. I'll figure that out some day, but for now my Mac Pro has two partitions, one for each.
The USB and FW improvements were huge in Mac OS 9. Also greater than 2GB file and unix filesystem were great for me at the time.

OS 9 was not unix based. 9 was a disaster compared to 8.6. The trouble Extensions used to cause was ridiculous. It only started improving when it got updated to 9.1. Things were still damn tricky. Thankfully 9.2 was fine.

10.0 was not an improvement. When you could type faster that the computer could keep up. You spent half the time waiting for the machine to catch up with you. Things only started to improve with 10.2.
My refurbed mp 5,1 bought in oct 2011 came with lion preinstalled - I had a play, loaded all apps that. Used, but it was quite unreliable and a few apps would run, and then crash (plus other stuff - ie having to force shutdown a few times)

I wiped this poo of the drive and reinstalled 10.6.8 - I'm sure you can get snow leopard in new mps - I think the min is 10.6.4
OS 9 was not unix based. 9 was a disaster compared to 8.6. The trouble Extensions used to cause was ridiculous. It only started improving when it got updated to 9.1. Things were still damn tricky. Thankfully 9.2 was fine.

10.0 was not an improvement. When you could type faster that the computer could keep up. You spent half the time waiting for the machine to catch up with you. Things only started to improve with 10.2.

I suppose every new major version of an operating system is going to have issues that still need to be ironed out.
I hate Lion....
The worst part about Lion is the auto-saving and auto-closing of apps, plus the auto-reopening of apps/windows. So Annoying, I *&%$ curse at those things every time I use Lion. Worst Apple OS Ever.

You do know you can change all those settings though, right?
There will always be those who don't like change and they are LOUD.

I like positive change. I've updated every version of OS X right up to Snow Leopard. I didn't see Lion as a positive change. To me, it's the Vista of OS X.

Apple must agree with us holdouts, at least in part, because Expose-like functionality and "Save As" are both returning in ML.

There are still other things that bother me too, but I know I'll eventually have to update. Especially if I ever get around to buying a better video card.
I suppose every new major version of an operating system is going to have issues that still need to be ironed out.

Very true. Although some updates have been thought out more than others. Although we all look back with rose tinted spec's at times.

I found 10.0 and 10.1 a bl**dy nightmare to get along with. All the others were solid updates personally. The sweet spot was 10.4. Ran like a dream on my old machine. Although lots of people seemed to have problems.

Leopard which came pre-installed on the MacPro was a dog. Slow and very unresponsive. Snow Leopard fixed that, ran like a dream. Sadly I found Lion to be as useful as Leopard - not very.

I don't seem to use anything they added in Lion, however due to Apples ****** GPU policy I, like many others, cannot go back without seeing royally ripped off.

I'm going to wait and see what ML brings to the table before thinking about upgrading though.
10.8 seems to fix all the terrible animation performance that is present in 10.7. At least it does not take 60% of my CPU to change System Preference panes. 10.8 runs a bit cooler than 10.7. Not as great as 10.6 but better. But truly with all the "features" they have added through 2 major OS revs I use exactly none of them. Not a 1. Except 3 finger swiping to next spaces desktop. At this point I only hope they don't break things. Sad.
Happily on 10.6.8!!! I read some benchmarks that showed a miniscule yet real downgrade in FCP X performance in Lion by 1-2%. Why would I upgrade if there's a drop in performance for my most important app? Not to mention the UI changes that I don't like. Lion/ML is much better if you're using a trackpad. Its much more useless on the gesture side if you're using a mouse like me.
OS 9 was not unix based. 9 was a disaster compared to 8.6. The trouble Extensions used to cause was ridiculous. It only started improving when it got updated to 9.1. Things were still damn tricky. Thankfully 9.2 was fine.

10.0 was not an improvement. When you could type faster that the computer could keep up. You spent half the time waiting for the machine to catch up with you. Things only started to improve with 10.2.

It was the first Mac OS to support a unix file system. Never said it was unix based. For me and the company I worked for at the time, it was huge.
Running a Hex core MP and 5 Macbook Pro's/AIR's on ML. no problems to report. :cool:

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