I tried the following steps and was able to push SMS for google voice...
1) Google Voice Account and a number
2) Gmail push app (pushmail or Gpush) if you want instant push (Optional - you may have to wait for 15 mins if not gmail push app)
3) GV Mobile (Optional - you can use the web interface to send/reply to send SMS)
1) Log into google.com/voice using the gmail account that you have tied to your GV number...
2) Goto Settings > Voicemail & SMS tab and enable sms forwarding to your email address (Its the gmail id that is tied to your GV account)
Now all the SMS will be forwarded to your gmail and the Gmail push app will have instance push...
I dont like seeing my SMS with my email so I have created a filter to skip the inbox and delete as soon the mail comes with a subject "SMS from"
This way a push message arrives and you can open GV mobile to read and reply to SMS...
This definitely is not the easily thing but I would use it any day for free messaging with dedicated number...
Please leave a reply if this works... Thanks
1) Google Voice Account and a number
2) Gmail push app (pushmail or Gpush) if you want instant push (Optional - you may have to wait for 15 mins if not gmail push app)
3) GV Mobile (Optional - you can use the web interface to send/reply to send SMS)
1) Log into google.com/voice using the gmail account that you have tied to your GV number...
2) Goto Settings > Voicemail & SMS tab and enable sms forwarding to your email address (Its the gmail id that is tied to your GV account)
Now all the SMS will be forwarded to your gmail and the Gmail push app will have instance push...
I dont like seeing my SMS with my email so I have created a filter to skip the inbox and delete as soon the mail comes with a subject "SMS from"
This way a push message arrives and you can open GV mobile to read and reply to SMS...
This definitely is not the easily thing but I would use it any day for free messaging with dedicated number...
Please leave a reply if this works... Thanks