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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Dec 27, 2015
A little x-mas gift for you guys :)

As there is no real way (I have knowledge of) to monitor the actual / turbo cpu frequency of the Xeons in classic Mac Pros I made two little scripts for displaying the actual cpu and turbo cpu frequency.

(The Intel Power Gadget tool does not work on our Xeon generation.)

It's the powermetrics cli tool what gives that information, I took 15 x 100ms samples and calculated the average for the actual load. Plus maxing 1 core out with the yes cli tool for triggering full (but not infinite) load.

That was a single Mac Pro 5,1 running a X5660 on Monterey

turbo X5660.png

actual X5660.png

The scripts need the admin password for privileges of Powermetrics and Terminal access. Also they needed right-click-open for the 1st start as they are not signed. The script text is readable.

Edit: added CPU type reporting to the turbo script (don't wanted to add additional load for the actual frequency script)

Added a script for measuring the actual CPU Frequency working on Apple Silicon. Measuring forcing a turbo load I cannot do as I have no Silicon Mac available. Everyone is welcome to add this.


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A little x-mas gift for you guys :)

As there is no real way (I have knowledge of) to monitor the actual / turbo cpu frequency of the Xeons in classic Mac Pros I made two little scripts for displaying the actual cpu and turbo cpu frequency.

(The Intel Power Gadget tool does not work on our Xeon generation.)

It's the powermetrics cli tool what gives that information, I took 15 x 100ms samples and calculated the average for the actual load. Plus maxing 1 core out with the yes cli tool for triggering full (but not infinite) load.

That was a single Mac Pro 5,1 running a X5660 on Monterey

View attachment 2132662
View attachment 2132661

The scripts need the admin password for privileges of powermetrics and Terminal access. Also they needed right-click-open for the 1st start as they are not signed. The script text is readable.
Merry Christmas, both script works beautifully.
Screenshot 2022-12-26 at 0.05.11.png

Screenshot 2022-12-26 at 0.05.34.png
I expected a higher turbo frequency, maybe you need to run the turbo script more times (or the machine was not in idle).

tested it in a supported system (Mavericks) and the turbo speed was closer to the specs (3.2 Ghz for X5660)

Screenshot 2022-12-25 at 16.23.26.png
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I expected a higher turbo frequency, maybe you need to run the turbo script more times (or the machine was not in idle).

tested it in a supported system (Mavericks) and the turbo speed was closer to the specs (3.2 Ghz for X5660)

View attachment 2132682
You are right, the cMP was not in idle. And I agree with you that the clock speed should be higher for the Turbo check. Even all cores running, the speed should able to reach 3.6GHz. My cMP had no thermal restriction during the check, all cores were cool.

Will run it a few times properly later and report back.
I closed all apps, and run the script when the CPU load was nearly zero. This give me a more reasonable result.
Screenshot 2022-12-26 at 10.56.41.png

Even it should be 3.73GHz, but 3.6GHz is much easier to capture. I will run it few more times and see if I can capture anything close to 3.73GHz.

Anyway, for info, there were two Yes command captured, not one.
Screenshot 2022-12-26 at 10.56.16.png

I believe run only one Yes command is better. My understanding is that another physical core will have piority before the 1st virtual core. Therefore, the method now will stress two physical cores, but not a single physical + virtual core.
Another recommendation, if the user click "stop" during that 2s delay. The script will abort, but the yes command may still running at the background. By considering not all users has habbit to monitor CPU loading, and not everyone know how to kill the background yes command. I think it's better to let the script jump to the killall yes step if the user hit the stop button at anytime.
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I tried 15, 100, and 1500 samples. All worked out the same clock speed. So, I believe the sampling method and the script itself is working beautifully. Able to provide accurate and consitent results.
15 samples.png

100 samples.png

1500 samples.png

For info, in the last 10 years, the only thing (in macOS) can show me ~3.73GHz is Linpack (32bit). I believe it also use similar method to work out the CPU clock speed.
3.722 GHz.png

But I have to try quite a few times to capture that, 3.591GHz is the normal number that I can capture.
Another interesting finding. If I test run the script in the Script Editor, the clock speed will be slightly higher. Also, the result will vary a bit, but not always 3591GHz.


(I reduced the sample number to two in order to save some time. For peak clock speed capturing, this should be good enough anyway).
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The problem with the stop button of the progress bar is that it just hard ends the script. I found no way to treat this situation, even not by a quit-handler.

solved: a typo in properties for script_run_thru plus a misunderstanding of continue quit (assumed it continues the quit handler)

Everyone with better AppleScript or programming knowledge is welcome to help :)

(even if I solved the -not-working-stop-button- it is not super responsive, so I let the fallback in to stop the >yes< process.)

The workaround I made for quitting >yes< is: after a calculated time it stops >yes< regardless what the script is doing or if it was interrupted. Don't want to let the process eat energy.

this is the

tell app "terminal" to do script "sleep x && killall yes"

command, it sleeps a calculated time plus 4 seconds and kill >yes< processes regardless what happens.
Even if the script run thru and does >killall yes<. If so it gives an error in the Terminal window but that's just cosmetical.

Also I defined the vars samples and sample_ms in properties so it can be changed easily.

The sleep time before >killall yes< is calculated by samples*(sample_ms/1000)+x

Also >yes< runs now for 1 core, having it called twice slipped thru as I tested something.

Edit: removed the "test" password as it confuses Big Sur and later
Edit2: added a treatment for false stored password in Big Sur and later

property my_password : ""
property progress_counter : 0
property big_sur : false
property script_run_thru : false
property samples : 15
property sample_ms : 100

on run
    -- get the sudo password, should not ask for it when running yes
    do_shell_script_sudo("echo 1")
    set script_run_thru to false
    set progress_counter to 0
    progress(5, "probing CPU Type")
        set StrCPU to (do shell script ("sysctl -a | grep machdep.cpu.brand_string"))
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ": "
        set StrCPU to last text item of StrCPU
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
    on error
        set StrCPU to ""
    end try
    -- big sur (or later) ?  (has a bug in do shell script with password, need a workaround)
        set boot_rom_version to last word of (do shell script "system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | grep -i \"Boot Rom Version\"")
        if (length of boot_rom_version is 7) and (character 1 of boot_rom_version is "1") then -- older Systems like Mavericks truncates the sn
            set boot_rom_version to boot_rom_version & ".0"
        end if
        set big_sur to false
    on error --Big Sur
        set boot_rom_version to last word of (do shell script "system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | grep -i \"System Firmware Version\"")
        set big_sur to true
    end try
    set yes_timeout to (samples * (sample_ms / 1000) as integer) + 4 -- extra time for proceeding the script
    --ignoring application responses
    progress(5, "running yes on 1 core")
    tell application "Terminal" -- if we run yes by do shell script it locks the script as it runs forever
        do script "yes > /dev/null"
        do script "sleep " & yes_timeout & " && killall yes"
    end tell
    delay 2
    progress(5, "powermetrics start")
        do_shell_script_sudo("powermetrics -n " & samples & space & "-i" & space & sample_ms & space & "| grep 'System Average frequency as fraction of nominal' >/tmp/powermetrics.txt")
    end try
    progress(5, "powermetrics done")
        do shell script "killall yes"
    end try
    progress(5, "killall yes")
    set readout to do shell script "cat /tmp/powermetrics.txt"
    set cpu_percentages to do shell script "cat /tmp/powermetrics.txt | awk '{print $(NF-2)}' | sed 's/.$//'"
    set readout to paragraph 1 of readout
    set percentage to (word -3 of readout) as real
    set frequency to (word -2 of readout) as real
    set nominal_cpu_frequency to frequency / percentage * 100 as integer
    -- every word of readout: {"System", "Average", "frequency", "as", "fraction", "of", "nominal", "76.93", "1077.01", "Mhz"}
    set samples to count every paragraph in cpu_percentages
    set average to listAvg(every paragraph of cpu_percentages)
    set sampled_frequency to (nominal_cpu_frequency * average) / 100 as integer
    --end ignoring
    activate me
    display dialog StrCPU & return & "actual CPU Frequency: " & (sampled_frequency as string) & " Mhz" & return & ¬
        "nominal CPU Frequency: " & (nominal_cpu_frequency as string) & " Mhz" & return & ¬
        "samples: " & (samples as string) with title "Macschrauber's turbo CPU frequency teller" buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"
    set script_run_thru to true
end run

on quit
    if (not script_run_thru) then
        activate me
        progress(5, "stop, killall yes")
            do shell script "killall yes"
        end try
        delay 1
    end if
end quit

on listAvg(theList)
    set the_list to theList
    set a to 0
    repeat with this_item in the_list
        set a to a + (this_item as real)
    end repeat
    set avg to (a / (count the_list)) as real
    return avg
end listAvg

on do_shell_script_sudo(the_text)
    if my_password is not "" then
        if big_sur then
            try -- if the password is wrong it runs into an error
                return do shell script "echo " & my_password & " | sudo -S " & the_text
            on error number errorNumber
                --display dialog (errorNumber as text) & return & the_text
                return do shell script the_text with administrator privileges
                -- and ask for the correct password
            end try
        else -- does not run into an error
                return do shell script the_text password my_password with administrator privileges
            on error
                return do shell script the_text with administrator privileges
            end try
        end if

    else -- no password given
        return do shell script the_text with administrator privileges
    end if
end do_shell_script_sudo

on progress(progress_total_steps, progress_description)
        log progress_description
        set progress total steps to progress_total_steps
        set progress_counter to progress_counter + 1
        set progress completed steps to progress_counter
        set progress description to progress_description
        delay 1
    end try
end progress

Attached is the turbo and actual frequency script.


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I believe you accidentally leave the word "test" here. I think it should be just ""?
Screenshot 2022-12-26 at 23.03.53.png

Otherwise, error occur (in Monterey 12.6.2)
Screenshot 2022-12-26 at 23.11.04.png
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I believe you accidentally leave the word "test" here. I think it should be just ""?
View attachment 2133011

It don't matters, if it is wrong its asking for the admin password.

Edit: But not for Big Sur and later, that was fixed

That's btw the AppleScript do shell script bug since Big Sur, if the stored password in a variable is wrong it won't ask for the correct one.

I know noone should store a password in a script as it is readable for everyone - but for test sake it is much more comfortable to do it temporarily.

btw: I have edited the 1st post, stop button problem is solved.

Response of that button is bad, but that's a major AppleScript thing.
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One more consideration, we may change the killall yes to killall -9 Terminal. So that not just the yes command will stop, but also close the terminal that opened by the script automatically.

Of course, if the user is using terminal, then that will be closed as well. Therefore, we may just consider it.
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Ok, the password error is new for me, run my test in Mojave and High Sierra.
When running in Monterey the test box password matches :)

will edit it and do more test

added treating a wrong stored password in Big Sur and later
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One more consideration, we may change the killall yes to killall -9 Terminal. So that not just the yes command will stop, but also close the terminal that opened by the script automatically.

Of course, if the user was using terminal, then that will be closed as well. Therefore, we may just consider it.

Oh I would freak out if someone kills my Terminal app :)
thanks for putting the posts together not bloating the cpu thread

As we have an own thread it's much easier

Added quitting the Terminal if it was not open before

property my_password : ""
property progress_counter : 0
property big_sur : false
property script_run_thru : false
property samples : 15
property sample_ms : 100
property terminal_was_open : false

on run
    set terminal_was_open to terminal_runs()
    -- get the sudo password, should not ask for it when running yes
    do_shell_script_sudo("echo 1")
    set script_run_thru to false
    set progress_counter to 0
    progress(5, "probing CPU Type")
        set StrCPU to (do shell script ("sysctl -a | grep machdep.cpu.brand_string"))
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ": "
        set StrCPU to last text item of StrCPU
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
    on error
        set StrCPU to ""
    end try
    -- big sur (or later) ?  (has a bug in do shell script with password, need a workaround)
        set boot_rom_version to last word of (do shell script "system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | grep -i \"Boot Rom Version\"")
        if (length of boot_rom_version is 7) and (character 1 of boot_rom_version is "1") then -- older Systems like Mavericks truncates the sn
            set boot_rom_version to boot_rom_version & ".0"
        end if
        set big_sur to false
    on error --Big Sur
        set boot_rom_version to last word of (do shell script "system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | grep -i \"System Firmware Version\"")
        set big_sur to true
    end try
    set yes_timeout to (samples * (sample_ms / 1000) as integer) + 4 -- extra time for proceeding the script
    --ignoring application responses
    progress(5, "running yes on 1 core")
    tell application "Terminal" -- if we run yes by do shell script it locks the script as it runs forever
        do script "yes > /dev/null"
        do script "sleep " & yes_timeout & " && killall yes"
    end tell
    delay 2
    progress(5, "powermetrics start")
        do_shell_script_sudo("powermetrics -n " & samples & space & "-i" & space & sample_ms & space & "| grep 'System Average frequency as fraction of nominal' >/tmp/powermetrics.txt")
    end try
    progress(5, "powermetrics done")
        do shell script "killall yes"
    end try
    progress(5, "killall yes")
    set readout to do shell script "cat /tmp/powermetrics.txt"
    set cpu_percentages to do shell script "cat /tmp/powermetrics.txt | awk '{print $(NF-2)}' | sed 's/.$//'"
    set readout to paragraph 1 of readout
    set percentage to (word -3 of readout) as real
    set frequency to (word -2 of readout) as real
    set nominal_cpu_frequency to frequency / percentage * 100 as integer
    -- every word of readout: {"System", "Average", "frequency", "as", "fraction", "of", "nominal", "76.93", "1077.01", "Mhz"}
    set samples to count every paragraph in cpu_percentages
    set average to listAvg(every paragraph of cpu_percentages)
    set sampled_frequency to (nominal_cpu_frequency * average) / 100 as integer
    --end ignoring
    activate me
    display dialog StrCPU & return & "actual CPU Frequency: " & (sampled_frequency as string) & " Mhz" & return & ¬
        "nominal CPU Frequency: " & (nominal_cpu_frequency as string) & " Mhz" & return & ¬
        "samples: " & (samples as string) with title "Macschrauber's turbo CPU frequency teller" buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"
    set script_run_thru to true
        if (not terminal_was_open) then tell application "Terminal" to quit
    end try
end run

on quit
    if (not script_run_thru) then
        activate me
        progress(5, "stop, killall yes")
            do shell script "killall yes"
        end try
        delay 1
    end if
        if (not terminal_was_open) then tell application "Terminal" to quit
    end try
end quit

on listAvg(theList)
    set the_list to theList
    set a to 0
    repeat with this_item in the_list
        set a to a + (this_item as real)
    end repeat
    set avg to (a / (count the_list)) as real
    return avg
end listAvg

on do_shell_script_sudo(the_text)
    if my_password is not "" then
        if big_sur then
            try -- if the password is wrong it runs into an error
                return do shell script "echo " & my_password & " | sudo -S " & the_text
            on error number errorNumber
                --display dialog (errorNumber as text) & return & the_text
                return do shell script the_text with administrator privileges
                -- and ask for the correct password
            end try
        else -- does not run into an error
                return do shell script the_text password my_password with administrator privileges
            on error
                return do shell script the_text with administrator privileges
            end try
        end if
    else -- no password given
        return do shell script the_text with administrator privileges
    end if
end do_shell_script_sudo

on progress(progress_total_steps, progress_description)
        log progress_description
        set progress total steps to progress_total_steps
        set progress_counter to progress_counter + 1
        set progress completed steps to progress_counter
        set progress description to progress_description
        delay 1
    end try
end progress

on terminal_runs()
        tell application "System Events"
            set processList to every process whose (name is "Terminal")
        end tell
        if processList is {} then
            return false
            return true
        end if
    on error
        return false
    end try
end terminal_runs


  • CPU Frequency
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thanks for putting the posts together not bloating the cpu thread

As we have an own thread it's much easier

Added quitting the Terminal if it was not open before

property my_password : ""
property progress_counter : 0
property big_sur : false
property script_run_thru : false
property samples : 15
property sample_ms : 100
property terminal_was_open : false

on run
    set terminal_was_open to terminal_runs()
    -- get the sudo password, should not ask for it when running yes
    do_shell_script_sudo("echo 1")
    set script_run_thru to false
    set progress_counter to 0
    progress(5, "probing CPU Type")
        set StrCPU to (do shell script ("sysctl -a | grep machdep.cpu.brand_string"))
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ": "
        set StrCPU to last text item of StrCPU
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
    on error
        set StrCPU to ""
    end try
    -- big sur (or later) ?  (has a bug in do shell script with password, need a workaround)
        set boot_rom_version to last word of (do shell script "system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | grep -i \"Boot Rom Version\"")
        if (length of boot_rom_version is 7) and (character 1 of boot_rom_version is "1") then -- older Systems like Mavericks truncates the sn
            set boot_rom_version to boot_rom_version & ".0"
        end if
        set big_sur to false
    on error --Big Sur
        set boot_rom_version to last word of (do shell script "system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | grep -i \"System Firmware Version\"")
        set big_sur to true
    end try
    set yes_timeout to (samples * (sample_ms / 1000) as integer) + 4 -- extra time for proceeding the script
    --ignoring application responses
    progress(5, "running yes on 1 core")
    tell application "Terminal" -- if we run yes by do shell script it locks the script as it runs forever
        do script "yes > /dev/null"
        do script "sleep " & yes_timeout & " && killall yes"
    end tell
    delay 2
    progress(5, "powermetrics start")
        do_shell_script_sudo("powermetrics -n " & samples & space & "-i" & space & sample_ms & space & "| grep 'System Average frequency as fraction of nominal' >/tmp/powermetrics.txt")
    end try
    progress(5, "powermetrics done")
        do shell script "killall yes"
    end try
    progress(5, "killall yes")
    set readout to do shell script "cat /tmp/powermetrics.txt"
    set cpu_percentages to do shell script "cat /tmp/powermetrics.txt | awk '{print $(NF-2)}' | sed 's/.$//'"
    set readout to paragraph 1 of readout
    set percentage to (word -3 of readout) as real
    set frequency to (word -2 of readout) as real
    set nominal_cpu_frequency to frequency / percentage * 100 as integer
    -- every word of readout: {"System", "Average", "frequency", "as", "fraction", "of", "nominal", "76.93", "1077.01", "Mhz"}
    set samples to count every paragraph in cpu_percentages
    set average to listAvg(every paragraph of cpu_percentages)
    set sampled_frequency to (nominal_cpu_frequency * average) / 100 as integer
    --end ignoring
    activate me
    display dialog StrCPU & return & "actual CPU Frequency: " & (sampled_frequency as string) & " Mhz" & return & ¬
        "nominal CPU Frequency: " & (nominal_cpu_frequency as string) & " Mhz" & return & ¬
        "samples: " & (samples as string) with title "Macschrauber's turbo CPU frequency teller" buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"
    set script_run_thru to true
        if (not terminal_was_open) then tell application "Terminal" to quit
    end try
end run

on quit
    if (not script_run_thru) then
        activate me
        progress(5, "stop, killall yes")
            do shell script "killall yes"
        end try
        delay 1
    end if
        if (not terminal_was_open) then tell application "Terminal" to quit
    end try
end quit

on listAvg(theList)
    set the_list to theList
    set a to 0
    repeat with this_item in the_list
        set a to a + (this_item as real)
    end repeat
    set avg to (a / (count the_list)) as real
    return avg
end listAvg

on do_shell_script_sudo(the_text)
    if my_password is not "" then
        if big_sur then
            try -- if the password is wrong it runs into an error
                return do shell script "echo " & my_password & " | sudo -S " & the_text
            on error number errorNumber
                --display dialog (errorNumber as text) & return & the_text
                return do shell script the_text with administrator privileges
                -- and ask for the correct password
            end try
        else -- does not run into an error
                return do shell script the_text password my_password with administrator privileges
            on error
                return do shell script the_text with administrator privileges
            end try
        end if
    else -- no password given
        return do shell script the_text with administrator privileges
    end if
end do_shell_script_sudo

on progress(progress_total_steps, progress_description)
        log progress_description
        set progress total steps to progress_total_steps
        set progress_counter to progress_counter + 1
        set progress completed steps to progress_counter
        set progress description to progress_description
        delay 1
    end try
end progress

on terminal_runs()
        tell application "System Events"
            set processList to every process whose (name is "Terminal")
        end tell
        if processList is {} then
            return false
            return true
        end if
    on error
        return false
    end try
end terminal_runs
Thanks for keep polishing this little tool. It works perfectly now, cheers! 🍺
I found a way running >do shell script< in background without locking the script.

Hardest part was to kill >yes< after a given time. (what I wanted to keep in the script as a failback). Achieved it by redirecting text to >sh< in background.

echo 'sleep $timeout;killall yes' | sh > /dev/null 2>&1 &

So no more need to open those 2 Terminal windows.

property my_password : ""
property progress_counter : 0
property big_sur : false
property script_run_thru : false
property samples : 15
property sample_ms : 100
property yes_timeout : 0

on run
    -- get the sudo password, should not ask for it when running yes
    do_shell_script_sudo("echo 1")
    set script_run_thru to false
    set progress_counter to 0
    progress(5, "probing CPU Type")
        set StrCPU to (do shell script ("sysctl -a | grep machdep.cpu.brand_string"))
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ": "
        set StrCPU to last text item of StrCPU
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
    on error
        set StrCPU to ""
    end try
    -- big sur (or later) ?  (has a bug in do shell script with password, need a workaround)
        set boot_rom_version to last word of (do shell script "system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | grep -i \"Boot Rom Version\"")
        if (length of boot_rom_version is 7) and (character 1 of boot_rom_version is "1") then -- older Systems like Mavericks truncates the sn
            set boot_rom_version to boot_rom_version & ".0"
        end if
        set big_sur to false
    on error --Big Sur
        set boot_rom_version to last word of (do shell script "system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | grep -i \"System Firmware Version\"")
        set big_sur to true
    end try
    set yes_timeout to (samples * (sample_ms / 1000) as integer) + 4 -- extra time for proceeding the script
    progress(5, "running yes on 1 core")
    do_shell_script_in_background("echo 'sleep " & (yes_timeout as string) & ";killall yes' | sh")
    delay 2
    progress(5, "powermetrics start")
        do_shell_script_sudo("powermetrics -n " & samples & space & "-i" & space & sample_ms & space & "| grep 'System Average frequency as fraction of nominal' >/tmp/powermetrics.txt")
    end try
    progress(5, "powermetrics done")
        do shell script "killall yes"
    end try
    progress(5, "killall yes")
    set readout to do shell script "cat /tmp/powermetrics.txt"
    set cpu_percentages to do shell script "cat /tmp/powermetrics.txt | awk '{print $(NF-2)}' | sed 's/.$//'"
        do_shell_script_sudo("rm /tmp/powermetrics.txt")
    end try
    set readout to paragraph 1 of readout
    set percentage to (word -3 of readout) as real
    set frequency to (word -2 of readout) as real
    set nominal_cpu_frequency to frequency / percentage * 100 as integer
    -- every word of readout: {"System", "Average", "frequency", "as", "fraction", "of", "nominal", "76.93", "1077.01", "Mhz"}
    set samples to count every paragraph in cpu_percentages
    set average to listAvg(every paragraph of cpu_percentages)
    set sampled_frequency to (nominal_cpu_frequency * average) / 100 as integer
    activate me
    display dialog StrCPU & return & "actual CPU Frequency: " & (sampled_frequency as string) & " Mhz" & return & ¬
        "nominal CPU Frequency: " & (nominal_cpu_frequency as string) & " Mhz" & return & ¬
        "samples: " & (samples as string) with title "Macschrauber's turbo CPU frequency teller" buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"
    set script_run_thru to true
end run

on quit
    if (not script_run_thru) then
        activate me
        progress(5, "stop, killall yes, just in case")
            do shell script "killall yes"
        end try
    end if
    continue quit
end quit

on listAvg(theList)
    set the_list to theList
    set a to 0
    repeat with this_item in the_list
        set a to a + (this_item as real)
    end repeat
    set avg to (a / (count the_list)) as real
    return avg
end listAvg

on do_shell_script_sudo(the_text)
    if my_password is not "" then
        if big_sur then
            try -- if the password is wrong it runs into an error
                return do shell script "echo " & my_password & " | sudo -S " & the_text
            on error number errorNumber
                --display dialog (errorNumber as text) & return & the_text
                return do shell script the_text with administrator privileges
                -- and ask for the correct password
            end try
        else -- does not run into an error
                return do shell script the_text password my_password with administrator privileges
            on error
                return do shell script the_text with administrator privileges
            end try
        end if
    else -- no password given
        return do shell script the_text with administrator privileges
    end if
end do_shell_script_sudo

on do_shell_script_in_background(the_command)
    do shell script (the_command & " > /dev/null 2>&1 &")
end do_shell_script_in_background

on progress(progress_total_steps, progress_description)
        log progress_description
        set progress total steps to progress_total_steps
        set progress_counter to progress_counter + 1
        set progress completed steps to progress_counter
        set progress description to progress_description
        delay 1
    end try
end progress


  • CPU Frequency
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I come across a weird behaviour (readings are from Xeon X5660)

When running in Monterey Powermetrics gave inconsistent output, when running in Script Editor the output was correct.

After fighting a whole afternoon I sorted a timing problem. My theory is that Powermetrics gave no decent quit/ready signal.

Anyway, the solution is as weird as the problem: running >Powermetrics< in Background and waiting a calculated time -instead of running it thru >do shell script< (what locks the script until the shell script is done).

property my_password : ""
property progress_counter : 0
property big_sur : false
property script_run_thru : false
property samples : 15
property sample_ms : 100
property yes_timeout : 0

on run
    -- get the sudo password, should not ask for it when running yes
    do_shell_script_sudo("echo 1")
    set script_run_thru to false
    set progress_counter to 0
    progress(5, "probing CPU Type")
        set StrCPU to (do shell script ("sysctl -a | grep machdep.cpu.brand_string"))
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ": "
        set StrCPU to last text item of StrCPU
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
    on error
        set StrCPU to ""
    end try
    -- big sur (or later) ?  (has a bug in do shell script with password, need a workaround)
        set boot_rom_version to last word of (do shell script "system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | grep -i \"Boot Rom Version\"")
        if (length of boot_rom_version is 7) and (character 1 of boot_rom_version is "1") then -- older Systems like Mavericks truncates the sn
            set boot_rom_version to boot_rom_version & ".0"
        end if
        set big_sur to false
    on error --Big Sur
        set boot_rom_version to last word of (do shell script "system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | grep -i \"System Firmware Version\"")
        set big_sur to true
    end try
    set yes_timeout to (samples * (sample_ms / 1000) as integer) + 10 -- extra time for proceeding the script, thats just a failback of the script is shut down
    progress(5, "running yes on 1 core")
    do_shell_script_in_background("echo 'sleep " & (yes_timeout as string) & ";killall yes' | sh")
    progress(5, "powermetrics start")
    -- powermetrics needs to start in background if not the readings are not consistent, differ from running in Script Editor
    do_shell_script_sudo_in_background("powermetrics -n" & samples & space & "-i" & sample_ms & " --output-file /tmp/powermetrics.txt")
    set the_timeout to (samples * (sample_ms / 1000) as integer) + 2 -- extra time for proceeding the script
    delay the_timeout -- powermetrics needs some time to finish the output file !
    do_shell_script_sudo("cat /tmp/powermetrics.txt | grep 'System Average frequency as fraction of nominal' >/tmp/powermetrics2.txt")
    do_shell_script_sudo("rm /tmp/powermetrics.txt")
    do_shell_script_sudo("mv /tmp/powermetrics2.txt /tmp/powermetrics.txt")
    progress(5, "powermetrics done")
        do shell script "killall yes"
    end try
    progress(5, "killall yes")
    set readout to do shell script "cat /tmp/powermetrics.txt"
    set cpu_percentages to do shell script "cat /tmp/powermetrics.txt | awk '{print $(NF-2)}' | sed 's/.$//'"
    set readout to paragraph 1 of readout
    set percentage to (word -3 of readout) as real
    set frequency to (word -2 of readout) as real
    set nominal_cpu_frequency to frequency / percentage * 100 as integer
    -- every word of readout: {"System", "Average", "frequency", "as", "fraction", "of", "nominal", "76.93", "1077.01", "Mhz"}
    set samples to count every paragraph in cpu_percentages
    set average to listAvg(every paragraph of cpu_percentages)
    set sampled_frequency to (nominal_cpu_frequency * average) / 100 as integer
    activate me
    display dialog StrCPU & return & "actual CPU Frequency: " & (sampled_frequency as string) & " Mhz" & return & ¬
        "nominal CPU Frequency: " & (nominal_cpu_frequency as string) & " Mhz" & return & ¬
        "samples: " & (samples as string) with title "Macschrauber's turbo CPU frequency teller" buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"
        do_shell_script_sudo("rm /tmp/powermetrics.txt")
    end try
    set script_run_thru to true
end run

on quit
    if (not script_run_thru) then
        activate me
        progress(5, "stop, killall yes just in case")
            do shell script "killall yes"
        end try
    end if
    contine quit
end quit

on listAvg(theList)
    set the_list to theList
    set a to 0
    repeat with this_item in the_list
        set a to a + (this_item as real)
    end repeat
    set avg to (a / (count the_list)) as real
    return avg
end listAvg

on do_shell_script_sudo(the_text)
    if my_password is not "" then
        if big_sur then
            try -- if the password is wrong it runs into an error
                return do shell script "echo " & my_password & " | sudo -S " & the_text
            on error number errorNumber
                --display dialog (errorNumber as text) & return & the_text
                return do shell script the_text with administrator privileges
                -- and ask for the correct password
            end try
        else -- does not run into an error
                return do shell script the_text password my_password with administrator privileges
            on error
                return do shell script the_text with administrator privileges
            end try
        end if
    else -- no password given
        return do shell script the_text with administrator privileges
    end if
end do_shell_script_sudo

on do_shell_script_in_background(the_command)
    do shell script (the_command & " > /dev/null 2>&1 &")
end do_shell_script_in_background

on do_shell_script_sudo_in_background(the_command)
    do shell script (the_command & " > /dev/null 2>&1 &") password my_password with administrator privileges
end do_shell_script_sudo_in_background

on progress(progress_total_steps, progress_description)
        log progress_description
        set progress total steps to progress_total_steps
        set progress_counter to progress_counter + 1
        set progress completed steps to progress_counter
        set progress description to progress_description
        delay 1
    end try
end progress


  • CPU Frequency
    172.2 KB · Views: 130
Last edited:
I come across a weird behaviour (readings are from Xeon X5660)

When running in Monterey Powermetrics gave inconsistent output, when running in Script Editor the output was correct.

After fighting a whole afternoon I sorted a timing problem. My theory is that Powermetrics gave no decent quit/ready signal.

Anyway, the solution is as weird as the problem: running >Powermetrics< in Background and waiting a calculated time -instead of running it thru >do shell script< (what locks the script until the shell script is done).

property my_password : ""
property progress_counter : 0
property big_sur : false
property script_run_thru : false
property samples : 15
property sample_ms : 100
property yes_timeout : 0

on run
    -- get the sudo password, should not ask for it when running yes
    do_shell_script_sudo("echo 1")
    set script_run_thru to false
    set progress_counter to 0
    progress(5, "probing CPU Type")
        set StrCPU to (do shell script ("sysctl -a | grep machdep.cpu.brand_string"))
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ": "
        set StrCPU to last text item of StrCPU
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
    on error
        set StrCPU to ""
    end try
    -- big sur (or later) ?  (has a bug in do shell script with password, need a workaround)
        set boot_rom_version to last word of (do shell script "system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | grep -i \"Boot Rom Version\"")
        if (length of boot_rom_version is 7) and (character 1 of boot_rom_version is "1") then -- older Systems like Mavericks truncates the sn
            set boot_rom_version to boot_rom_version & ".0"
        end if
        set big_sur to false
    on error --Big Sur
        set boot_rom_version to last word of (do shell script "system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | grep -i \"System Firmware Version\"")
        set big_sur to true
    end try
    set yes_timeout to (samples * (sample_ms / 1000) as integer) + 10 -- extra time for proceeding the script, thats just a failback of the script is shut down
    progress(5, "running yes on 1 core")
    do_shell_script_in_background("echo 'sleep " & (yes_timeout as string) & ";killall yes' | sh")
    progress(5, "powermetrics start")
    -- powermetrics needs to start in background if not the readings are not consistent, differ from running in Script Editor
    do_shell_script_sudo_in_background("powermetrics -n" & samples & space & "-i" & sample_ms & " --output-file /tmp/powermetrics.txt")
    set the_timeout to (samples * (sample_ms / 1000) as integer) + 2 -- extra time for proceeding the script
    delay the_timeout -- powermetrics needs some time to finish the output file !
    do_shell_script_sudo("cat /tmp/powermetrics.txt | grep 'System Average frequency as fraction of nominal' >/tmp/powermetrics2.txt")
    do_shell_script_sudo("rm /tmp/powermetrics.txt")
    do_shell_script_sudo("mv /tmp/powermetrics2.txt /tmp/powermetrics.txt")
    progress(5, "powermetrics done")
        do shell script "killall yes"
    end try
    progress(5, "killall yes")
    set readout to do shell script "cat /tmp/powermetrics.txt"
    set cpu_percentages to do shell script "cat /tmp/powermetrics.txt | awk '{print $(NF-2)}' | sed 's/.$//'"
    set readout to paragraph 1 of readout
    set percentage to (word -3 of readout) as real
    set frequency to (word -2 of readout) as real
    set nominal_cpu_frequency to frequency / percentage * 100 as integer
    -- every word of readout: {"System", "Average", "frequency", "as", "fraction", "of", "nominal", "76.93", "1077.01", "Mhz"}
    set samples to count every paragraph in cpu_percentages
    set average to listAvg(every paragraph of cpu_percentages)
    set sampled_frequency to (nominal_cpu_frequency * average) / 100 as integer
    activate me
    display dialog StrCPU & return & "actual CPU Frequency: " & (sampled_frequency as string) & " Mhz" & return & ¬
        "nominal CPU Frequency: " & (nominal_cpu_frequency as string) & " Mhz" & return & ¬
        "samples: " & (samples as string) with title "Macschrauber's turbo CPU frequency teller" buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"
        do_shell_script_sudo("rm /tmp/powermetrics.txt")
    end try
    set script_run_thru to true
end run

on quit
    if (not script_run_thru) then
        activate me
        progress(5, "stop, killall yes just in case")
            do shell script "killall yes"
        end try
    end if
    contine quit
end quit

on listAvg(theList)
    set the_list to theList
    set a to 0
    repeat with this_item in the_list
        set a to a + (this_item as real)
    end repeat
    set avg to (a / (count the_list)) as real
    return avg
end listAvg

on do_shell_script_sudo(the_text)
    if my_password is not "" then
        if big_sur then
            try -- if the password is wrong it runs into an error
                return do shell script "echo " & my_password & " | sudo -S " & the_text
            on error number errorNumber
                --display dialog (errorNumber as text) & return & the_text
                return do shell script the_text with administrator privileges
                -- and ask for the correct password
            end try
        else -- does not run into an error
                return do shell script the_text password my_password with administrator privileges
            on error
                return do shell script the_text with administrator privileges
            end try
        end if
    else -- no password given
        return do shell script the_text with administrator privileges
    end if
end do_shell_script_sudo

on do_shell_script_in_background(the_command)
    do shell script (the_command & " > /dev/null 2>&1 &")
end do_shell_script_in_background

on do_shell_script_sudo_in_background(the_command)
    do shell script (the_command & " > /dev/null 2>&1 &") password my_password with administrator privileges
end do_shell_script_sudo_in_background

on progress(progress_total_steps, progress_description)
        log progress_description
        set progress total steps to progress_total_steps
        set progress_counter to progress_counter + 1
        set progress completed steps to progress_counter
        set progress description to progress_description
        delay 1
    end try
end progress

Yeah, Ver 1.1 seems works better. In the previous version. I always get 3.591 if using the apps (in Monterey). And must run the script in the script editor in order to get this kind of real time calculated number. But now, the apps can show me this number.
Screenshot 2022-12-28 at 10.07.06.png
Yes, that was that nasty behaviour of Powermetrics.

But just in new systems, older like Mojave or El Capitan read correct, self running and in Script Editor. At least for my test boxes.
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