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Original poster
Nov 30, 2014
Georgia, USA
Currently, I use an iPhone 12 Pro Max.
In all honesty, do I need a phone this large? Missing the days of using a phone with one hand.

Curious, has anyone here gone from an iPhone 12 Pro Max, to an iPhone 13 Pro?
Looking forward to your feedback...

now i see it

macrumors G4
Jan 2, 2002
I have lots of different sizes of phones. Big phones are good for some things and smaller ones better for others. Any one you use will be a compromise.


macrumors 68000
Sep 18, 2012
In all honesty, do I need a phone this large?
If you're asking this question, then probably don't need a phone that large. (If you did, you'd know your reasons/use cases to justify having a larger screen.) Is it critical that you can see more content when browsing the web/emails, or to look at pictures/videos bigger? Are they more important than being able to use it with one hand?

Have an honest discussion with yourself and figure out what are the most important features to you in a phone, and get the one that meets those needs.
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