A screenshot of how the demand was made would help. Google, for any reason, might initiate a verification process but they are NOT going to be demanding a sum of money towards "reconnection".
What has most likely happened is that this demand just happened to coincide with the upgrade, that's it.
1. Is she able to access her Google account?
If she is, there is no reconnection needed. Just ensure she changes her password and sets up two-factor authentication that uses the Google authenticator or any other authenticator, not the phone-based OTP.
2. Is she unable to access her Google account?
If she is, then there are two steps that can be followed.
First is to try "Forgot Password" option and if account access is restored, move back to step 1 and change the password and setup 2FA.
Second is to contact Google about the inability to access the account and take their help to restore the account.