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Tom G.

macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jun 16, 2009
Champaign/Urbana Illinois
Woke up & checked the weather on the iPad and noted how cold it was. Wore jacket to church.

I took the iPad to church, it is not needed for service as everything is in the bulletin, but the Bible app came in handy during Sunday school. I found that others in the class could get to a chapter and verse as fast or faster than me because I had to wait for the page to open. Some old timers who know their Bibles can beat my iPad, but not by much.

Afterward decided to go Geocaching to get out in the great weather. Found that the iPad made this much easier. It is still not a guarantee that you will find the cache, and running the iPhone Geocaching app on 2X on the iPad leaves a bit to be desired. The satellite view comes out a bit grainy when you zoom in close. In most cases it took me to within 5 feet or less of the cache.

I then used it in the restaraunt to read a book while waiting on my order.

When I got home I took care of e-mail and checked the forums I regularly visit and am now writing this seated in my recliner.

Later I'll check the weather for tomorrow so I'll know how to dress for work, then read some in bed or maybe watch some you-tube stuff.

Not a great day but it does show my take on the versatility of this device.
Here's mine:

Finished off a game of Civ, cruelly keeping my last enemy's final city encircled without attacking so I could finish all the technology achievements without the game ending.

Went to my low-key bar for dinner and beer, where I posted a few times in this forum, then got lost in a book (Solar, by Ian McEwan).

55% in, took a break for email and Facebook.

Read a bit more, attention waning. Fired up the iPod app and put Fire of Love on in the background via earbuds to drown out barmate's protracted discussion of her tattoo, it's still playing.

Logged into my home PC using LogMeIn and launched Boxee, mostly to see how it performed.

Returned to this board and posted this.

Next is either another Sam Adams and another stab at reading, or heading home for Treme, undecided.
This was my busy day from last week but it was still quite a day for my iPad.

8:00am- Awoke and checked the weather on the iPad, Cool 62F so pulled out a hoodie and some jeans.

9:00am-11:00am taking notes in my first class using pages. Browsed the USA Today in between lecture points.

12:00 pm- Lunch time! I read NYTimes and previewed a book I've been wanting to read while simultaneously hawking down a meatball sub from Subway.

2:00pm- Last class of the day, more notes and simultaneous spacing out on the forums.

4:00pm- Went to work for a bit doing some mac maintenance and record keeping for some of the machines I work on for various companies. Used Bento for iPad to record the work done which synced with my work unibody Macbook Pro.

7:00pm- Lab Report time for my Mechanical Engineering Lab II class. iPad sits on the charger, distracting me with a netflix movie while I work vigourously on my macbook hooked to my display.

1:00am- Retire, Rest, Repeat
ClaireL said:
Me too. I think some of them are cute, interesting and I like knowing how other people's lives are changed by the iPad. Nice to feel I am not alone.

It is interesting how many other people check the weather? I do. If it is 62...I have to wear a thin jacket for the bike ride in. If it below 58, I wear a different pair of gloves, etc. Funny.

Anyway, same here...use the iPad everywhere. In fact, I have decided that the iPad is to my laptop like the laptop was to the desktop for me in 1994. After years of being stuck at a desktop, I had the freedom to move around. Now, after 16 years of being tied down to a laptop, I have the freedom to freely move about with the iPad. What a paradigm shift!
Yesterday's business travel:

Took iPad to Airport. Boingo Hotspot not necessary because I have unlimited 3G. Checked my email and read a few sports' articles on Decided to read some more of Our Mutual Friend to see how it might relate to LOST. Saw my flight was delayed, so I went over to Southwest's website to see if my connecting flight would be affected. It was delayed, too, so I was in good shape. Back to reading until boarding time.

While going down the ramp into the plane, overheard a woman in front of me talking about her new iPad and how she wished she had waited for the 3G model. Smiled and thought to myself, "I bet you do."

On the plane sent an email to my wife letting her know we were taking off. Back to reading since I had to go into Airplane mode. Checked to make sure when turning a page in iBooks that the page wouldn't get caught on my belt or shirt, and then I remembered these weren't real pages. Felt pretty dumb for forgetting that, but then realized just how amazing the iBooks reading experience is.

Ran to catch my connecting flight. Updated my wife via email (on 3G) that I made the connection and was getting ready to take off. Read some more. Then took a break and watched an episode of The Office. Someone on the plane accused me of "showing off." Whatever. Read a little more, then landed.

Got to my rental car, fired up Mapquest's app and got directions via GPS to Pei Wei near my hotel. Voice directions were flawless. Easiest drive ever when having no idea where I was going. While eating Chinese, followed the Utah/Lakers game (via 3G) on ESPN GameCast. Back to hotel. Hotel wireless was so slow I stopped downloading a conference pdf on my MacBook Pro and downloaded it into GoodReader in about 1/4 the time over 3G. Haven't used the hotel wifi again since the 3G is so much faster and more reliable. Overall, the iPad made my travels much easier and more enjoyable. And everyone keeps looking at it like I am carrying something magical.:D
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