So, I am planning on selling my imac and ibook to buy a middle model macbook. My intention was to break even as my computers already serve my needs. I'm just looking to get a better laptop and do away with having two computers. Since the 2.0 ghz macbook will meet or exceed the power of my imac G5 (minus the graphics power, which I don't need and is neglible compared to a Radeon 9600, and the hard drive space, which is moot because I have 2 externals), I think this makes sense.
I am a college student and can take advantage of the free ipod offer as a way to maximize my value- I already have an ipod and would just sell the "free" ipod nano.
It just occured to me that the difference in price between the entry level macbook and middle level macbook (at education pricing) is roughly the value of the free ipod. I was planning on waiting for the next macbook rev to maximize my value, but what am I really looking at gaining by this? First of all, I don't need C2D. I wouldn't mind the speed increase it offers, but that's realistically only around a 10% gain per clockspeed- about what I'd gain by having the 2.0ghz core duo over the 1.83ghz model. The middle macbook already has a superdrive, and I plan on maxing the RAM out once I get the computer. I guess that basically what I'm trying to say is that I want to spend as little as possible, but would also like to keep a superdrive, which is really the main difference currently between the low and middle macbook models. Seeing as to how the new $1,000 entry level imac has a 1.83ghz C2D and COMBO drive, I would expect that the next macbook rev would have similar specs if it got a C2D at all.
So what do you think? Buy the middle macbook now and make up for the price difference between the low and middle models by selling the free ipod I get, or wait for the next update, which will happen god knows when and add who knows what features, and buy the lowest model when that happens?
The free ipod offer ends in 3 days, so let me know what you think soon!
I am a college student and can take advantage of the free ipod offer as a way to maximize my value- I already have an ipod and would just sell the "free" ipod nano.
It just occured to me that the difference in price between the entry level macbook and middle level macbook (at education pricing) is roughly the value of the free ipod. I was planning on waiting for the next macbook rev to maximize my value, but what am I really looking at gaining by this? First of all, I don't need C2D. I wouldn't mind the speed increase it offers, but that's realistically only around a 10% gain per clockspeed- about what I'd gain by having the 2.0ghz core duo over the 1.83ghz model. The middle macbook already has a superdrive, and I plan on maxing the RAM out once I get the computer. I guess that basically what I'm trying to say is that I want to spend as little as possible, but would also like to keep a superdrive, which is really the main difference currently between the low and middle macbook models. Seeing as to how the new $1,000 entry level imac has a 1.83ghz C2D and COMBO drive, I would expect that the next macbook rev would have similar specs if it got a C2D at all.
So what do you think? Buy the middle macbook now and make up for the price difference between the low and middle models by selling the free ipod I get, or wait for the next update, which will happen god knows when and add who knows what features, and buy the lowest model when that happens?
The free ipod offer ends in 3 days, so let me know what you think soon!