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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 8, 2009
Catonsville, MD
No physical clunking noise, but there is an overall sluggishness to my Mac. Apps are slow to open, mouse slow to respond, dock sometimes freezes. I have a fiber optic internet connection with regular 5 meg down and 2 meg up speeds (as tested on Speakeasy) and video played online is clunky, maybe 10 frames a second, even after the video is fully loaded. DVDs play fine.
Both Safari and Firefox take 30 seconds or more to open seemingly simple pages. The Activity Monitor is regularly maxed out. I have about 24 gig of free space and I store most of my stuff on a 500 gig external drive which I got due to the slowness experienced, thinking that would solve the issue, but it didn't. There is 24.5 gigs of free space on the internal hard drive. I have no 3rd party software loaded and no extra Apple hardware loaded. The machine is about 8 years old.
Any ideas where I can look to figure out how to get the old speed back?
It's running 10.11.4 with updated Firefox and Safari.

If I'm in the wrong forum, please suggest where I can post this.

My bad for being really off topic but you have been using your computer for 8 years? :eek:

wow man, I think its going to remain slow. I think..... :eek:
No physical clunking noise, but there is an overall sluggishness to my Mac. Apps are slow to open, mouse slow to respond, dock sometimes freezes. I have a fiber optic internet connection with regular 5 meg down and 2 meg up speeds (as tested on Speakeasy) and video played online is clunky, maybe 10 frames a second, even after the video is fully loaded. DVDs play fine.
Both Safari and Firefox take 30 seconds or more to open seemingly simple pages. The Activity Monitor is regularly maxed out. I have about 24 gig of free space and I store most of my stuff on a 500 gig external drive which I got due to the slowness experienced, thinking that would solve the issue, but it didn't. There is 24.5 gigs of free space on the internal hard drive. I have no 3rd party software loaded and no extra Apple hardware loaded. The machine is about 8 years old.
Any ideas where I can look to figure out how to get the old speed back?
It's running 10.11.4 with updated Firefox and Safari.

If I'm in the wrong forum, please suggest where I can post this.


Try using DiskUtility (in user/Applications/Utilities) and do a permission repair
The machine is about 8 years old.

There's your problem :p

Other than that, back up your important files and reinstall the OS (if you have the reinstall disks. Perhaps you can buy an old version of OS X, say 10.2 or something, off the internet for cheap, if you don't have the original install disks). If it hasn't had a reinstall for 8 years, well... even Macs get clogged up eventually!
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