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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 19, 2020
Hi guys,

I just bought a partially complete A1342 Macbook. I know it's ancient, but I like the keyboard and form factor, plus I got it nearly for free. Anyways, it came without HDD, bottom cover and battery, all of which I have sourced by now. The thing is, it also came without the screws that hold the battery in. Now I was wondering, I really don't want to buy those tri-wing ones for originality, I just want to hold it in place, so, what are the measurements of the neccissary screws(preferably in metric sizes)?


macrumors G5
Jul 30, 2003
I did not find the actual size of the screws, but the three near the front edge are 3.1mm length, ph #0 - and the three on the other edge of the battery are the tri-wing, 5mm in length.
I did find real replacement screws, but that would not be me getting those 6 tiny screws for more than $15 (after shipping)
(Kinda defeats the idea of a good bargain, eh?)
But, that's the proper lengths. I have a local hardware store that has a good selection of small screws, maybe you can buy 3 or 4 that look close to right size, then return to get the proper lengths after a quick test. You could probably even take your MBook chassis into the store, and just try a few until you find what fits.
Good Hunting!


macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 19, 2020
I did not find the actual size of the screws, but the three near the front edge are 3.1mm length, ph #0 - and the three on the other edge of the battery are the tri-wing, 5mm in length.
I did find real replacement screws, but that would not be me getting those 6 tiny screws for more than $15 (after shipping)
(Kinda defeats the idea of a good bargain, eh?)
But, that's the proper lengths. I have a local hardware store that has a good selection of small screws, maybe you can buy 3 or 4 that look close to right size, then return to get the proper lengths after a quick test. You could probably even take your MBook chassis into the store, and just try a few until you find what fits.
Good Hunting!
Thanks! Already saw the lenghts on iFixit, but I really need the diameters as well. I kinda have a habit of screwing (pun intended) up screwholes, so I'll wait a bit and see if anyone else does have them.
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