This is a rant and also a plea for help.
Tonight is Valentine's - I cooked a fabulous meal and then we settled down to a film... well, I say film. Actually it was me getting stressed and frustrated and my boyfriend falling asleep and going to bed.
after a couple of months of perfect operation, ATV has yet again decided to stop working - FOR NO REASON! Tonight we were met with crashing iTunes, crashing Apple TV, (when 'working') the fim pausing and re-buffering every couple of minutes, being met with "The selected video cannot be played".
What's the point in having all this tech if, when you want to use it, IT DOESN'T BLOODY WORK?!
What can I do?! I have a MBP (2009), an airport extreme and all my videos on an external HDD connected via airport disk. EVERYTHING is Apple, NOTHING is hacked and, this time yesterday, it all worked fine - so the problem is to do with Apple. Can anyone help?
I wish all this cash I hand over to Apple would go wrong and suddenly become worthless in the same way their products do.
Tonight is Valentine's - I cooked a fabulous meal and then we settled down to a film... well, I say film. Actually it was me getting stressed and frustrated and my boyfriend falling asleep and going to bed.
after a couple of months of perfect operation, ATV has yet again decided to stop working - FOR NO REASON! Tonight we were met with crashing iTunes, crashing Apple TV, (when 'working') the fim pausing and re-buffering every couple of minutes, being met with "The selected video cannot be played".
What's the point in having all this tech if, when you want to use it, IT DOESN'T BLOODY WORK?!
What can I do?! I have a MBP (2009), an airport extreme and all my videos on an external HDD connected via airport disk. EVERYTHING is Apple, NOTHING is hacked and, this time yesterday, it all worked fine - so the problem is to do with Apple. Can anyone help?
I wish all this cash I hand over to Apple would go wrong and suddenly become worthless in the same way their products do.