mad jew said:Have you tried repairing permissions?
mad jew said:Yeah, that's what I assumed.
The More Info button is a link to System Profiler. I don't think it works if System Profiler has been removed from the Utilities folder which is why I asked if you could see yours there. If it is there, open it up to make sure it's working properly too.
gauchogolfer said:Have you tried to find the program via Spotlight? This would be the easiest way to find it if it's somehow been misplaced. Then you can move it to the proper location.
Edit: Beat ya lilstewart
Or you can use pacifist to get the system profiler app off your install disk.AJ Muni said:Tried all solutions and nothing. I'm currently on the phone with an apple care specialist (you kno i gotta take advantage of the free 90 day phone support).. Yeah this is real weird.
Edit: Well they said i gotta reinstall the OS. w/e guess this is only solution...
Laser47 said:Or you can use pacifist to get the system profiler app off your install disk.
Dafke said:pacifist will help you,
i once deleted my complete utilities folder and had already emptied my trash when i found out. with pacifist it was easily reinstalled.
good luck!
AJ Muni said:Sounds like a plan...I will try it when i get home. Thanks laser
WildCowboy said:Archive and install.
But as ITASOR points out, if you didn't delete System Profiler on your own, there could be something more seriously wrong with your's a weird problem to have. It's not always about the quicker and easier's about making sure your system is running correctly.
mkrishnan said:Go back and see what else is in your utilities folder...there was someone else who posted with an MBP who was missing a lot of utilities folder items. I'm wondering if there were some MBPs that were shipped with defective images of OS X on the drive? If there's more stuff missing, then going back and getting it, one item at a time, with Pacifist, seems like it would really suck. And that re-installing OS X would be advised......