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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 3, 2009

Been trying various to-do apps lately, and this one is probably my favourite of the bunch.

Things I like:
- super nice interface
- good alarm system that doesn't use push notifications to destroy your battery
- nice category system
- syncs nicely with google desktop

Things I don't like:
- always takes an extra step to set something as a todo
- uncategorised notes
- no project lists or way to easily organise todos/notes

... but with that in mind, is there another app I should checkout before going for one of these? If not I'll just go ahead and purchase it anyway, think it's only about $6 or so which isn't too bad.

Been trying various to-do apps lately, and this one is probably my favourite of the bunch.

Things I like:
- super nice interface
- good alarm system that doesn't use push notifications to destroy your battery
- nice category system
- syncs nicely with google desktop

Things I don't like:
- always takes an extra step to set something as a todo
- uncategorised notes
- no project lists or way to easily organise todos/notes

... but with that in mind, is there another app I should checkout before going for one of these? If not I'll just go ahead and purchase it anyway, think it's only about $6 or so which isn't too bad.

2Do app is what I used and now with Version 2 just released yesterday, it's even more awesome. Check out the "lite" version of it. The full release is $4, but I'd pay $10. I live by it.
I use the free version of Awesome note, and love it for one feature: it allows me to passcode protect my notes. I only have 1 that requires passcode protection, and this was the only app, at the time, that had that feature *and* didn't require me to set up yet another account online.

It does sync with Google Docs, so you can back up that way, and I haven't used it really for much of anything else, but I'm quite happy with it. The free version lets you keep up to 4 notes.
Awesome Note is great! I use it just for notes though, and I use Pocket Informant for events and tasks.
Awesome Note is a fantastic app, and one that I highly recommend. I'm also a big Evernote user, but I use Evernote as a broad catch-all of information while using Awesome Note for more personal information (both home and work related). If to-do lists are a priority for you, then I'd recommend 2Do. The amount of options and features in that app are incredible, almost to the point of being overload. And yesterday's 2Do 2.0 release got rid of push notifications and is now using iOS 4's local notifications.
Thank you so much for the replies guys, still quite a tricky one - I never knew the new version of 2do was out and there are definitely some nice improvements (like ditching the push notification!) but as someone mentioned, it's almost a little overwhelming at times. The fact it works with LockInfo is a nice bonus too, although whether I keep that app or not is another issue.

Almost tempted to use Awesome Note instead of notes, 2do as my todo planner, and Zenbe lists (which is awesome IMO) for plain lists of stuff - but then I do like the way both Awesome Note (to do) and the regular Notes (notes!) app sync with my Google account.

Awesome Notes is 'nicer', something about it just feels right, and it looks amazing, but maybe I'll stick with 2do for a little bit too before committing either way!
2Do had an intro price for the new 2.0 update of only $2.99. If its still available you better jump on it. I use this as well. I love it and I paid $7.

I will say I will probably switch totally to Pocket Informant when 1.6 comes out and gives me iCal sync direct. They also have a 2.0 update coming that will include Notes. Once that happens, it replaces 3 apps on my homescreen.
Awesome Note is on my dock. I love the google synch, as I can type long documents via my MBP keyboard and have it synched.

And the UI is amazing.
Thanks again guys, I have to say the more I use 2do and AwesomeNote the harder it becomes to make the choice between them, both have their plus points and unfortunately a couple of small minuses too (Awesome Note: no projects, too many clicks to get where you need to be, 2do: almost too many features, and the interface isn't as nice)

But... idk, I'm a sucker for nice things, so I think AwesomeNote is the winner for me :)
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