In a few minutes, I might be the owner of nine G4 PowerMacs...
I was willing to pay up to £420 but they went for £485.
Would have been fun to fix them all up and sell them on. PC100/133 RAM is cheap, so shoving 1Gb in would have been easy enough. Replacing dodgy DVD drives is easy too. I figured I'd be able to make a small profit or at least break even. But paying more than £45 for each machine would have been silly - they have no keyboards, mice or power cords, I have no idea about what gfx cards they have, that sort of thing.
Would have given me something fun to do over the next few weeks.
I wouldn't have risked it with PCs!
eBay really irritates me. I was also looking at this auction and with six days left, some new user has bid it up to £150 already. Bleh.
Think I will abandon my G4 refurb plans and concentrate on finding a working BeBox or NeXT machine.