This question comes up just at the time we are trying to do the same thing at our small ad agency. We need to share files that are too large for email between our office in Carmel, Ca (Comcast Cable Broadband) and our remote office (SBC Global).
Comcast does not provide ftp, web hosting or email support for our domain name, so we have to use Network Solutions. NS does not offer ftp.
So, Apple Store sales guy sold me Apple Remote Desktop. We had it shipped to our remote office. The sales guy said when we get it to call tech support and that they would walk us through the install/connectivity process.
It arrived yesterday, so we call techsupport and he said that they can't help us and that we need to get a consultant in at each office to make this work. The only advise he offered, is that we need to call our respective ISP's to see if some UDP port is locked or open. Both of our ISP's said they don't lock that port but neither could confirm that it was open.
Do we just load the program at our remote office computer and get a consultant? Do we need to have the software shipped here to Carmel and load it on our computer and have a consultant come here? Do we need to send the software back because is was mis-represented to us and try one of the solutions offered in this thread?
Our set-up: Carmel office has 3 G4 computers with 1 on OS 10.2.8, connected via AppleShare and a hub. Remote office has 1 computer on OS 9.1, connected the same way. We want to transfer files back and forth between one computer here and one computer there (total two computers sharing files).