I never bother with IP services. I've had the same IP for 3 years under Comcast. I just set up a domain and point it to my router, set the router to pass port 80 (and whatever other ports, like for ARD) to your machine. If you're using non-server SW, just put the index.html file in your USERS > NAME > Sites folder. Otherwise with OS X server add it to Library >WebServer > Documents.
Thanks so much for your respose! I have a few follow up questions:
1st: I don't have any "Sites" folder in my users folder. What should I do to fix that?
2nd: Can I put the site files in another directory of my choosing and make the port forward to that? I would really like to be able to do that
3rd: I read somewhere else that I needed IIS installed and working in vista. I have no idea what that is for or how to use it. Do I even need it?
1st - then use /Library/WebServer/Documents, it's a much better option anyway.
2nd - you can put the files anywhere you want, but you'll need to change the /etc/httpd/httpd.conf config file to let it know where to look. Be careful, everything below this in the directory hierarchy will be accessible to everyone on the web.
3rd - Everything you need is already installed and running in Mac OS X, although you really should be looking to learning how to update your Apache version, and maybe PHP and MySQL also.
You also mentioned earlier about being able to access the website from either the same computer or another computer on your home network. You may have said that you wanted to just type the URL in to access it. Ain't going to happen, that way anyway. But you can access it by using the Mac's "Computer Name" (as set in Sharing System Pref), ie. http://henrysimac.local/
Don't even think of doing this from a laptop, nor from a Mac that you aren't prepared to leave up and running 24/7.
Ok, great! I have wamp server up and running! My site is in place and when I go to localhost, it pulls it right up! However... when I go to my external router ip, nothing happens!! I have forwarded port 80 to my server, so I don't know whats wrong! Thanks for helping!
I never bother with IP services. I've had the same IP for 3 years under Comcast. I just set up a domain and point it to my router, set the router to pass port 80 (and whatever other ports, like for ARD) to your machine. If you're using non-server SW, just put the index.html file in your USERS > NAME > Sites folder. Otherwise with OS X server add it to Library >WebServer > Documents.
I setup many servers in the course of my job, so I may be able to help a bit.
If you type in your router IP from your computer on the internal network, you're not going to hit the web site with most routers. Most of them aren't smart enough to redirect internal traffic back internally with that type of request. You'll need to use the internal IP address of the server internally to access the page short of having a local DNS server, something that you probably won't want to learn how to do. So don't think anything's wrong from your setup just because it's not coming up how you expect.
BE WARNED: Most ISPs block you from hosting websites or email servers on a standard residential connection. These are restricted for 2 reasons: 1. To reduce the spread of viruses, spam, and botnets. 2. To keep people from hosting sites without paying a premium. So when all this is done and setup correctly it still may not work as your ISP may be blocking it from the world.
What I really do suggest is going with a hosting service like GoDaddy or one of the many other great services out there that cost very little. Of course, this is only if you need the site accessible to the world, otherwise ignore my comment altogether.
ok, so I got on another network and put in my dns address. It brought up the regular "could not display the webpage" that IE8 always brings up. Any ideas on what could be stopping it?
Thanks again for all the help!!!
Could be a lot of things, but the first thing to check would be if your ISP is blocking port 80. Who is your ISP?
I have ATT DSL. My router is supplied by them as well. It let me go in and forward port 80 to my server. I doubt that it would let me do that if ATT wanted to block it! (Since the router is from them!)
Makes no difference they would block it at their end, rather than on your router. If possible try setting your webserver to a different port (8080 might work), and try forwarding to it from DynDNS if their service allows it.I have ATT DSL. My router is supplied by them as well. It let me go in and forward port 80 to my server. I doubt that it would let me do that if ATT wanted to block it! (Since the router is from them!)