I've been surfing for a while trying to find the answer to this question, and haven't had much luck, so I figured I'd give posting on this forum a go. I don't have too much programming experience, especially not with Obj-C. However, I'm about to begin writing an app for the ipod touch that records answers to some survey questions, and stores the completed survey. The roadblock really becomes how to get these filled-in surveys off of the ipod. The survey data needs to be securely transferred from the ipod to a pc/mac, preferably over a non-wireless connection (although a secure network would probably be okay) since the data is confidential and will be deleted from the ipod after transfer. I haven't decided on the best format for the data, but for the sake of discussion, assume its something like XML.
Thanks a lot!
I've been surfing for a while trying to find the answer to this question, and haven't had much luck, so I figured I'd give posting on this forum a go. I don't have too much programming experience, especially not with Obj-C. However, I'm about to begin writing an app for the ipod touch that records answers to some survey questions, and stores the completed survey. The roadblock really becomes how to get these filled-in surveys off of the ipod. The survey data needs to be securely transferred from the ipod to a pc/mac, preferably over a non-wireless connection (although a secure network would probably be okay) since the data is confidential and will be deleted from the ipod after transfer. I haven't decided on the best format for the data, but for the sake of discussion, assume its something like XML.
Thanks a lot!