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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 25, 2010
Hi all,
i'm getting this error during the build of my app following the code below.
I have 3 classes:

ClassA (UIViewController)
ClassB (UIViewController)
ClassC (NSObject)

Inside ClassA i have a property defined as ClassB.

@property (nonatomic, retain) ClassB *B;

ClassB has a property defined as ClassC.

@property (nonatomic, retain) ClassC *C;

ClassC ha some properties inside

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *Prop1;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *Prop2;

The error is inside ClassA on the line:

txtTest.text = self.ClassB.ClassC.Prop1;

in this same class i initialize ClassB as per follow code

self.B = [[ClassB alloc] init];

How can i use ClassC properties whitin ClassB?

Start by not referencing your ivars by their class names.

Perhaps it is time for you to step back from the real coding and go (re)learn the basics of Objective-C.

I'm pretty new with objective-c, maybe there is more than one thing i have to re(learn).
Which section, basics of Objective-C, you think i have to investigate to understand what i'm doing wrong?

Which section, basics of Objective-C, you think i have to investigate to understand what i'm doing wrong?
I would suggest not thinking of it in terms of what you have to learn to fix what's wrong but instead what you need to learn to gain a basic understanding of the language and how to use it. Put away any real code you are working on. Get a book or take some tutorials or watch some videos and start coding from the ground up.
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