Hi - I am in need of an pretty accurate gps tracker app for survey work, I will be using my new iPhone 7 Plus.
I realize this is NOT accurate enough for legal work, but within 2 feet is what I hope for.
I’m the “executor” of the private road Kendra LN Road Maintenance Agreement (RMA), on behalf of the 16 residents of Kendra LN. I just overtook this position this Summer-2016.
Our private dirt/gravel road Kendra LN is in desperate shape , simply it’s in poor condition, appears to never have been designed/built “right”.
I have the 1988 original road survey and centerline locations, but seems the actual road is 14-16 feet off centerline.
Before we proceed with any serious road re-work, I'd like to have good idea of the road centerlines.
I realize this is NOT accurate enough for legal work, but within 2 feet is what I hope for.
I’m the “executor” of the private road Kendra LN Road Maintenance Agreement (RMA), on behalf of the 16 residents of Kendra LN. I just overtook this position this Summer-2016.
Our private dirt/gravel road Kendra LN is in desperate shape , simply it’s in poor condition, appears to never have been designed/built “right”.
I have the 1988 original road survey and centerline locations, but seems the actual road is 14-16 feet off centerline.
Before we proceed with any serious road re-work, I'd like to have good idea of the road centerlines.