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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 6, 2018
Hello everyone, my name is Antonio Giaquinto. I am part of a team, NoFearForBeer (Alessio Carusio, Antonio Mone, RicardoVargas Del Frari, Sarah Leight Meijers, Simone Fiorentino), of developers at the Apple Developer Academy.

We developed an app for iPhone and Apple Watch that can be used from tennis player to collect some data (forehand count, backhand count, average speed and other...) during the match.

At the end of the match you can analyse all the data on the iPhone.

If you want to try it, this is the link to download it:

...and do not forget to put a like to our page:

Thanks a lot to everyone!... and remember:

Serve it, Smash it, Win it, AceIT!

Analyse your tennis, improve IT.
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