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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 26, 2017
In the June Challenge it counts your Stand goals. If you have two watches, the achievements are conted seperatately. So 15 days of Stands on one or youre watches, doesn't add to the achievement of your other/second watch. I guess it is a bugg


macrumors 68040
Oct 19, 2010
Buffalo, NY
In the June Challenge it counts your Stand goals. If you have two watches, the achievements are conted seperatately. So 15 days of Stands on one or youre watches, doesn't add to the achievement of your other/second watch. I guess it is a bugg

I switch back and forth between watches, and the activity syncs correctly.

The only time I've had an issue is when I had a broken watch a week ago. I kept it for 3 days while waiting for an Apple appointment. I used an old watch from 2 years ago, which worked great, and the broken watch I was going to repair. Well, in this case, the broken watch didn't like to sync properly. Say I had 400 move, 25 exercise, 10 stand on the good watch, I took it of, put on the bad watch, it would show something less, like 100 move, 3 exercise, 2 stand, whatever I did on that particular watch. It wasn't syncing correctly to my phone.

I got my broken watch fixed, and now I can take one off, put the other one on, I get the same values on both. I can keep one on for an hour, earn some move, exercise and stand, take it off, put the old one on, it will show the same values I just had. It works fine now.

You either have a broken watch, or broken syncing. Maybe reboot all your devices and see if it works?

(By the way, each month challenge is different for everyone. Some months, mine are easy, like this month 'Do 9 workouts', last month it was do like 43,000 move. Ummm.. my daily goal is 600 - that's like 1400 a day. Ridiculous!)


macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 26, 2017
You're right. After a few days, I see, the achevements are corectly added. Thanks for your reply and suggestion to reboot.
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