My favorite chain here in the mid-Atlantic (Acme) has been the victim of a credit card scam. Now, any CC over a certain amount requires that you show the CC used and match the last four numbers. Apple Pay, tied to a debit card or not, counts as a credit card to the Acme POS terminal. By the nature of Apple Pay you CANT show the last four digits as those on the card don't match that passed to the merchant. The checkers barely know what Apple Pay is and the managers are not much better. Besides, this is all corporate level crap any way, so there is nothing they can do but clear the order and let you use cash or plastic. All the while you are getting the stink-eye from the septuagenarian behind you who thinks your a clueless argumentative kid. Clearly, there remain hurdles on the way to full contactless payments, and Acme just took one step backwards by putting their public facing employees and customers behind the eight-ball.