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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 18, 2016
hello people i have an iPad 2 i bought from someone and all was find and i did a reset and not its stuck at the activation screen. i can't reach the guy i bought it from since i was traveling.Any help to bypass the activation screen. Its on IOS 7.1.2 right now.Please help


macrumors G3
Nov 23, 2011
Sorry Ed, nothing can be done, beyond contacting the seller. It sounds like they may have forgotten to disable the Find my iPhone feature through iCloud.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
hello people i have an iPad 2 i bought from someone and all was find and i did a reset and not its stuck at the activation screen. i can't reach the guy i bought it from since i was traveling.Any help to bypass the activation screen. Its on IOS 7.1.2 right now.Please help
And…you asked this question about defeating a security feature designed to prevent theft in the jailbreak forums and NOT the regular iPhone/iPad forums because why?

I'll answer that since I don't expect any response from you at this point.

The answer is that you thought that jailbreakers skirt the law and do illegal things so they MUST know how to crack a security feature!


Mar 28, 2013
The Clinton Archipelago unfortunately
And…you asked this question about defeating a security feature designed to prevent theft in the jailbreak forums and NOT the regular iPhone/iPad forums because why?

I'll answer that since I don't expect any response from you at this point.

The answer is that you thought that jailbreakers skirt the law and do illegal things so they MUST know how to crack a security feature!

No way with an avatar like that could he be up to no good. /sarcasm


Mar 28, 2013
The Clinton Archipelago unfortunately
Yeah of course! :D /sarcasm

The one last week had an avatar of a woman with two young kids.

Now, I ask you, if were all crooks who pirate stuff and do illegal things why would we be influenced by little kids and puppy dogs?! Sheesh!!! :)

That's exactly what they do to help fool someone. Not saying this guy is up to no good as we may never know, but scammers are now going out of their way to set up the appearance of a legit story and take time to set up proper profiles to fool people.
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
That's exactly what they do to help fool someone. Not saying this guy is up to no good as we may never know, but scammers are now going out of their way to set up the appearance of a legit story and take time to set up proper profiles to fool people.

Not that doing that changes the answer at all.

Even if we were another type of forum there would still be no answer other than 'not possible'.

Eventually I hope that that answer finally sinks in and we stop getting these questions all together.


macrumors 65816
Dec 4, 2011
hello people i have an iPad 2 i bought from someone and all was find and i did a reset and not its stuck at the activation screen. i can't reach the guy i bought it from since i was traveling.Any help to bypass the activation screen. Its on IOS 7.1.2 right now.Please help

Please don't go by the other posts here!

I can unlock your device if you pay me £100/$140 direct to my account......

Wait, after Brexit make that £100/$110 and I'll sort it out for you.

Edit: yeah I'm joking :rolleyes:


macrumors Westmere
Apr 16, 2008
At the iPhone hacks section.
Yeah of course! :D /sarcasm

The one last week had an avatar of a woman with two young kids.

Now, I ask you, if we're all crooks who pirate stuff and do illegal things why would we be influenced by little kids and puppy dogs?! Sheesh!!! :)

Hey man, if I see a mother with kids or sweet puppies avatar I might consider helping them bypassing anti theft security features in order to use a stolen device.


May 3, 2011
Nope and nope you need to contact the seller we can't help you

The posters after this one shouldn't have posted.

We won't ever stop future threads like this one from appearing again, but we can just simply not reply after they've been told 'No'.


May 3, 2011
I guess that would include your post as well....and just being told once won't stop the thread...he would have come back asking for second opinions.

So he comes back asking...he can ask till the cows come home. Doesn't mean we have to answer him.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
This has been discussed ad nauseum, i.e., many threads asking the same thing. The end result is there is no work around. This thread serves no purpose if left open, other then causing arguments and accusations, to that point its getting locked
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