Just a few months ago I bought an Airport Express and was able to successfully add my Cannon printer so that I could wirelessly print. Actually, it was probaly the easiest thing I have ever done (Thanks to Apple and OSX in general!) Today, I stopped over my uncles house who just got a PC laptop and he wanted to add his wireless printer to the PC (The printer's ethernet is plugged in his cable modem). I know how to EASILY do this on a mac, but I was clueless PC-wise. He just called me and he needs it done by tonight. I realize that this is not a Mac based question but if I could just have some quick help I would really appreciate it. I've been around these forums long enough to know how knowledgable you guys and gals are! Any help would be appreciated, I know this is probably easier than I think it is, but I am lost! Thanks, and I have already downloaded the printer drivers off Cannon...