been playing about with open gl es project, as created by xcode New Project... now confused! From the program code, if I add simple components, such as UILabel, to the EAGLView *glView object via addSubview, then they do not appear. However, booting into the Interface Builder and double clicking the Window object brings up a view of type EAGLView. Dragging a UILable onto this results in the label appearing atop of the GL window at runtime.
I'm wondering how to do the equivalent of Interface Builder drag n drop programatically? I thought I had it, but evidently not!
any thoughts?
been playing about with open gl es project, as created by xcode New Project... now confused! From the program code, if I add simple components, such as UILabel, to the EAGLView *glView object via addSubview, then they do not appear. However, booting into the Interface Builder and double clicking the Window object brings up a view of type EAGLView. Dragging a UILable onto this results in the label appearing atop of the GL window at runtime.
I'm wondering how to do the equivalent of Interface Builder drag n drop programatically? I thought I had it, but evidently not!
any thoughts?