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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 8, 2012
so my superdrive isn't working. I'm looking to put one or two replacement drives in, just something dirt cheap. But given its Apple, i suspect there may be some specific requirement i should know about.

so, do Mac Pro's require any specific types of drives? i can tell it should be Sata CD drives but does the speed/version of Sata matter? does the CD drive dimensions matter from any of the usual sizes?

i rarely use it, but i cannot get bootcamp installed on the Mac Pro, it does not detective the disc in my external Blu Ray drive at all, even though the system detects the drive/cd.
It needs to have a tray, not slot loading. The tray bezel needs to be removable, but that's almost every drive.

I would just get a recent model blu-ray drive. LG blu-ray drives seem to be a popular choice and as far as I know they all have a bezel that can be popped off.
It needs to have a tray, not slot loading. The tray bezel needs to be removable, but that's almost every drive.

I would just get a recent model blu-ray drive. LG blu-ray drives seem to be a popular choice and as far as I know they all have a bezel that can be popped off.

the bezel has to be removed? i thought the one in my Mac had its bezel. i better look again.

i won't be spending money like that on a drive, my use case: use it for project, resell it in a year or so. + i already have an external blu ray drive which works with all my Macs. I just want something dirt cheap for now to get bootcamp working and anything else that might require an internal drive for the Mac. The only drive i intend to spend a bit of money on is possibly a replacement superdrive for when i resell it (to help it keep its value).
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