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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 15, 2004
Greetings -
I just moved to Panther and I cant get my old Addressbook file.

I have read some ofthe forums answers about creating vCards. I can not do it now as I have only one Mac and I cant do anything with the Address Book.addressbook file.
- I tried openning it in Textedit -- it is messed up -- Ican see the info butnot in meanigful format.
I tried dragging it intothe Panther Addressbook it said no vCards.

I just need to read that file (and enterthe data manually to the new Addressbook). Any help please? any application that can help me?

Re: Address Book transfer from 10.1 to Panther

Originally posted by gdimitog
Greetings -
I just moved to Panther and I cant get my old Addressbook file.

I have read some ofthe forums answers about creating vCards. I can not do it now as I have only one Mac and I cant do anything with the Address Book.addressbook file.
- I tried openning it in Textedit -- it is messed up -- Ican see the info butnot in meanigful format.
I tried dragging it intothe Panther Addressbook it said no vCards.

I just need to read that file (and enterthe data manually to the new Addressbook). Any help please? any application that can help me?

What do you mean that you can't get your old Addressbook file?
Re: Address Book transfer from 10.1 to Panther

Originally posted by gdimitog
Greetings -
I just moved to Panther and I cant get my old Addressbook file.

I have read some ofthe forums answers about creating vCards. I can not do it now as I have only one Mac and I cant do anything with the Address Book.addressbook file.
- I tried openning it in Textedit -- it is messed up -- Ican see the info butnot in meanigful format.
I tried dragging it intothe Panther Addressbook it said no vCards.

I just need to read that file (and enterthe data manually to the new Addressbook). Any help please? any application that can help me?

Hmm, well, you should have exported it to vCards...but, try to import the file to address book through File->Import->LDIF

It might not import it, so change the file extention to .ldif if it wont take it. I'm not even sure this would work, but its the only thing I can think of...

Just as a question, does the file at the begining look like this?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN"
Make sure you quit AddressBook before doing this.

Find your file from 10.1 and put it in the the following directory:

User>Library>Application Support>AddressBook
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