Greetings -
I just moved to Panther and I cant get my old Addressbook file.
I have read some ofthe forums answers about creating vCards. I can not do it now as I have only one Mac and I cant do anything with the Address Book.addressbook file.
- I tried openning it in Textedit -- it is messed up -- Ican see the info butnot in meanigful format.
I tried dragging it intothe Panther Addressbook it said no vCards.
I just need to read that file (and enterthe data manually to the new Addressbook). Any help please? any application that can help me?
I just moved to Panther and I cant get my old Addressbook file.
I have read some ofthe forums answers about creating vCards. I can not do it now as I have only one Mac and I cant do anything with the Address Book.addressbook file.
- I tried openning it in Textedit -- it is messed up -- Ican see the info butnot in meanigful format.
I tried dragging it intothe Panther Addressbook it said no vCards.
I just need to read that file (and enterthe data manually to the new Addressbook). Any help please? any application that can help me?