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Capt Underpants

macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jul 23, 2003
Austin, Texas
I know nothing about programming or anything... so forgive me if this is impossible :eek:

But I was wondering if there was some type of script or something that I could put into one of my adium's statuses that would make it display the current song I'm playin in iTunes. I read something about modifying the statuses plist, but i couldn't find that plist, and even if I could find it, I wouldn't know what to do.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 15, 2004
If you downloaded it from the link I provided above, then, according to the readme file, you should be able to simply double-click the scripts package (most Adium extras install this way) and it should install for you.

Then, when formatting your message you can use the following commands (this is in another readme file that is buried within the scripts package...right-click>show package contents>Contents and there they are):

"Now Playing

Now Playing checks the currently playing track in iTunes and returns it to Adium depending on the displayFormat string.


displayFormat - The string that defines how the current track is displayed.

If iTunes is closed or stopped the script will return "silence...". Otherwise, the script returns the current track based on the string displayFormat and the wildcards within it.

%% - Displays a percent sign (%)
%< - Displays a comma (,)
%o - Displays the playlist order number
%a - Displays the artist of the song
%n - Displays the name of the song
%l - Displays the album of the song
%g - Displays the genre of the song
%t - Displays the total time of the song
%c - Displays the play count of the song
%b - Displays the beats per minute (BPM) of the song
%d - Displays the last play date of the song
%e - Displays the short format of the last play date of the song
%m - Displays the last play time of the song
%r - Displays the "out of 5" rating of the song
%p - Displays the percentage rating of the song
%s - Displays the star rating of the song

For example if displayFormat equals "%n by %a - %s", the script may return "Another First Kiss by They Might Be Giants - ?????". Any other percent sign-character combination will be filtered out without replacement."

As for typing "/music" as someone posted above...I've never done that, but give it a go!


macrumors 6502a
Jan 15, 2004
To further explain...I've set my custom status to:

iTunes: /nowplay{"%n" by %a}

Which will return something like:

iTunes: "Like a Rolling Stone" by Bob Dylan

Capt Underpants

macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jul 23, 2003
Austin, Texas
stevietheb said:
To further explain...I've set my custom status to:

iTunes: /nowplay{"%n" by %a}

Which will return something like:

iTunes: "Like a Rolling Stone" by Bob Dylan

Thanks stevietheb... you've been alot of help :)


macrumors 6502a
May 30, 2003
I cannot get Adium to show iTunes track info for my status either. All those scripts display perfectly in a chat window only...back to iChat I guess :(

Capt Underpants

macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jul 23, 2003
Austin, Texas
cgc said:
I cannot get Adium to show iTunes track info for my status either. All those scripts display perfectly in a chat window only...back to iChat I guess :(

Hm... Are you trying to get it to show up in a profile, as an available status, or as an away status?

Capt Underpants

macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jul 23, 2003
Austin, Texas
cgc said:
as an available status

Very few AIM clients can display available statuses... so if you're asking your friends what your status is, chances are it will just say "online", or something to that effect.

I had the same problem so I ended up just putting the script in my profile.
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