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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 3, 2005
Center of the Nation
Is anyone here, or know anyone, that is an "Adobe Certified Expert" in Print or Web. If so, do you think it was worth the trouble in doing so?

I'm looking to strengthen my resume and thought of this as a way to do so.
The only ACEs I have ever met are both tutors and authors. One is on the Illustrator beta team and does consultancy work. Neither of them were designing at all...
Ive been considering getting certified myself... ive been teaching Photoshop and InDesign, and making a pretty penny doing it.

Im hoping to get my Own businees off the ground this summer and might get certified to "look" better for that first time client.
Also thinking about getting ACHD certified as well. - apples tests are $150, and from what i saw of the test... its pretty dern easy to pass.
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