no problems as yet except i noticed i cannot make pdf's out of publisher files because my mac doesnt have publisher as it is not offerd.
am right pissed off about that
but that is it
no problems as yet except i noticed i cannot make pdf's out of publisher files because my mac doesnt have publisher as it is not offerd.
am right pissed off about that
but that is it
no problems as yet except i noticed i cannot make pdf's out of publisher files because my mac doesnt have publisher as it is not offerd.
am right pissed off about that
but that is it
no problems as yet except i noticed i cannot make pdf's out of publisher files because my mac doesnt have publisher as it is not offerd.
am right pissed off about that
but that is it
I think I see what you're trying to say. You have a PC with Publisher on it and you have a Mac with Acrobat on it.
You want to make PDFs of your Publisher files.
Can you make PostScript files from Publisher? If so you can then convert these files to PDF using the Acrobat which is installed on your Mac.
I've had some crashing with CS4 (using Photoshop primarily), but updates are released fairly often. Most crashes seem related to the graphics card feature that has been added to PS.