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Please reassure me, and tell me that this guy was full of @#%$.

I was over at the mass communication building at the university (the only one with Macintoshes) to see if they had gotten new G5's yet. The guy there said that they were considering not upgrading to G5's because ProTools did not have an OS X counterpart, and also that Adobe was not continuing to support the macintosh platform so they would more likely be buying Adobe workstations.

I wasn't going to argue it with him, as I would imagine that a university probably has a direct connection to Adobe, but I Adobe and Macintosh have always been very close.

I remember seeing a documentary on a Terminator 2 DVD about the special effects. They had an interview with John Knoll, and he was talking about doing the effects for The Abyss, and he said was it was for that movie that he had developed Photoshop on a Macintosh. And they showed an old mac screen with Photoshop 0.67. I can't possibly imagine that after so many years together that Adobe would exterminate mac support, the idea makes no sense whatsoever.
Re: Adobe Discontinuing Mac Support!?!

Originally posted by stoid
Please reassure me, and tell me that this guy was full of @#%$.


Multiple choice:

A. He's ignorant, and doesn't know better.
B. He's stupid and shouldn't be allowed in public.
C. He's inured with the wintel world and is trying to steer you away from Mac (see also PC Zealot).
D. He's got a wicked sense of humor and hides his sarcasm well.
E. He's so full of it he farts out his ears, wears suppositories up his nose, dries his hair with toilet paper, and his favorite hat is made by 'Depends'.*

Adobe discontinued only Premiere due to OS X developement difficulties (and FCX) - and this had been expected for over a year. Pro Tools is very available for the Mac - and should do well with the G%'s optical ports.

But we also have Cubase, Deck, and of course, Logic.

*(ok, I had a little fun with that one :D)
adobe stopped some support for soem stuff. like premiere and and some of their other new stuff. its just apple has a better version that does the same stuff and sells much more than their own software. he just misread or misheard from someone when he recieved the information. i really think adobe is really happy with apple, because i feel adobe like their products more on macs like photoshop and indesign, but hated how they lacked in raw speed like intel. but now with the g5 i think adobe is really excited. apple needs adobe and adobe needs apple.

There have been for the past few years, a few consumer applications such as Photo Album, which were for Windows only.

Also, Adobe's competition to DVD Studio Pro is Windows-only software.

There is no reason for Adobe to abandon the Macintosh platform because there's plenty of money to be made. It's also smart for them to remove Premiere from the platform because there isn't money to be made.

Ignorance is bliss and there are plenty of happy people out there. You can count him among them.
i am 100% sure that adobe is still developing adobe photoshop 8. there is a member at who is a developer and he gets seeds for it. at one point he posted a lot of screen shots and such until adobe asked to pull them down.
Yes they are in fact still developing Photoshop 8 for the mac, here are a few screenshots of 8 that I made. ImageReady 8 will be with it as well.


Originally posted by bousozoku
Also, Adobe's competition to DVD Studio Pro is Windows-only software.


Just an FYI on software capability tiering. The next competition to DVDSP on the same tier of features and power, is DVD Creator which registers up at $14,000.

IMHO the thing most missed in DVDSP is Hardware Encoding support. I hope that comes soon (with FW 800 around, it's gotta be coming).
Consider this...

Originally posted by patrick0brien
the thing most missed in DVDSP is Hardware Encoding support. I hope that comes soon (with FW 800 around, it's gotta be coming).

Add me to the Waiting-for-Hardware-Encoding list! I've been hopeful ever since the Spruce acquisition.

On the Adobe front, however, I'm not as hopeful as others. Anyone else here see this: In DV Magazine a couple of months ago was a full page "ad" that appeared to be a short article about how The Orphanage had switched to using all Dells after they noticed that AE ran so much faster on the one PC they had than it did on all of their Macs. The "ad" had no sponsors and appeared to just be a switching in the opposite direction story.

In the letters section of the September issue of DV Mag someone had questioned DV about who the sponsor of the ad was, calling them cowards for putting down a competitors product but not associating their name with it. DV's response was that it was a "joint project between Adobe, Dell and Intel. DV didn't have a policy about anonymous ads because we'd never before had an advertiser that didn't prominently place its name in its paid space. We've been told that the lack of company names in the ad was a result of design and timing logistics, not an effort at misdirection." To that I say "Yeah, right".

I don't see why Adobe would need to advocate the use of any non-Adobe products but whatever.

Also, in the August issue of DV was a 10-12 page "booklet" from Adobe announcing the new Adobe Video Collection (Premiere Pro, AE 6, Encore DVD and Audition). AE 6 is the only Mac compatible product in the line-up. The last couple of pages dedicate 1/3 of a page to touting Windows Media 9 Series, 1/2 a page to Intel procs (both Pentium and Xeon) and 1/2 a page to Dell computers. One page says "Adobe works with leading companies like Intel, Microsoft, and Dell to deliver outstanding solutions for video production." The only mention of Apple compatibilty is in the AE 6 section where they breifly state that AE scripts can be integrated with Applescripts.

I also remember reading somewhere that the only reason we got a new version of AE was because the port was simple, whereas Premiere Pro and Encore DVD were built from the ground up as Windows apps. Does this mean that the next complete rebuild of AE will not have Mac support?

Don't get me wrong here, I'm not bitching, just pointing out a few instances where I thought Adobe's Mac support might be waivering. I hope not, as I love PS and AE and OS X.
Adobe Mac support

It probably makes sound business sense to Adobe to discontinue developing Premiere for the Mac.
From what I've read and heard FCP is better in terms of stability and Mac based editors are using it rather than Premiere. If Apple themselves are making a better product for the Mac platform and people are switching to that it means less devlopment costs for Adobe and the new version of Premiere.

Photoshop is a different matter - it is a product without equal and I don't see Mac based designers moving away from it any time soon. I'm sure adobe makes plenty of money from the Mac versions of Photoshop, Illustrator And InDesign.
Re: Consider this...

Originally posted by DVDSP
I also remember reading somewhere that the only reason we got a new version of AE was because the port was simple, whereas Premiere Pro and Encore DVD were built from the ground up as Windows apps. Does this mean that the next complete rebuild of AE will not have Mac support?

Don't get me wrong here, I'm not bitching, just pointing out a few instances where I thought Adobe's Mac support might be waivering. I hope not, as I love PS and AE and OS X.

Premiere Pro is PC only (and has fairly strict hardware guide lines compared to past versions) because 90% of Premiere owners use PCs so making a product for the 10% who haven't switched to FCP yet, ;), wasn't worth the R&D. The only way, IMO, AE and PS will leave the Mac platform is if Apple offers up something that their @sses the way FCP kicked Premiere's.

Originally posted by stoid
Maybe it was Premeire he was reffering to as I no that is our main editing application, but why not switch to FCP4? But is there anything close to ProTools for X?

ermm I believe there is protools for x
Im looking at it right now
From what I have been able to gather/have heard,is that the decision to not support Premiere on the Mac was because the market had been hoovered up by FCP anyway.Adobe are not exactly happy with Apple which is probably why they are being snubbed,but PS will always be available for the Mac unless Jobs does something really stoopid to Adobe in the meantime.Adobe also are not very happy about Apple moving more and more into the software area and in turn some of their market,hence the page at Adobe more users use PCs in PS then Macs,which was back off Apple.And I am sure if Apple stand on Adobes toes again there will be some retaliation once more,but not the loss of AE or PS for the Mac I dont think.
Re: Consider this...

Originally posted by DVDSP
In DV Magazine a couple of months ago was a full page "ad" that appeared to be a short article about how The Orphanage had switched to using all Dells after they noticed that AE ran so much faster on the one PC they had than it did on all of their Macs... "joint project between Adobe, Dell and Intel."...


Yeah, I sense a high degree of horsehockey that Adobe would advocate the elimination of several licenses of AE to just one license. It just doesn't make good business sense.
Isn't a good 45% of the profits from PS from the Mac end? I am pretty sure I heard it is nearly half and half between Mac and PC versions. If that is so, I don't see how Adobe would ever can it for the Mac, no matter how upset they may be that Apple is trying to steal their kool-aid. It'd be like committing business suicide if they pulled it since it'd take half their profits right there.
Originally posted by Powerbook G5
Isn't a good 45% of the profits from PS from the Mac end?

-Powerbook G5

Let's also not forget Illustrator. Also they're trying to take advantage of Quark's quirks and recapture the DTP market (Aldus Pagemaker used to be the master). And that pretty much has to be on the Mac side.
If the DV magazine is called Digital Video Editing then the editor is the same guy who was giving the Apple engineers a roasting about the G5 and whether it was a desktop or a workstation,he made them look really silly unfortuntely.If it is the same guy then he is a huge AMD/Opteron fan and seems to also have business links/close association with Boxx,so its pretty heavily biased.
Originally posted by Mac Kiwi
If the DV magazine is called Digital Video Editing then the editor is the same guy who was giving the Apple engineers a roasting about the G5 and whether it was a desktop or a workstation,he made them look really silly unfortuntely.If it is the same guy then he is a huge AMD/Opteron fan and seems to also have business links/close association with Boxx,so its pretty heavily biased.

No, they are different publications. DV usually does a fairly unbiased job when reviewing products. The only thing "biased" that I've noticed is that when reviewing Mac only software they usually note under the CONS section that it's Mac only. However, when reviewing PC only software, PC only is NOT a con. No big deal really.

Originally posted by LethalWolfe
The only way, IMO, AE and PS will leave the Mac platform is if Apple offers up something that their @sses the way FCP kicked Premiere's

I'd relax a little if Apple came out with a compositing app that equalled or bettered AE. I realize they have Shake but the price structure for that is way above what it is for AE (the yearly maintenance fee is more than I paid for AE Pro bundle). Who knows, maybe they're working on Shake Express right now. :)

That's the other thing that annoys me about Adobe's attitude. They let Premiere fall by the wayside. When FCP was released it blew away Premiere right from the start, the two were not even comparable. Adobe basically let Premiere sit and age, FCP had high end features that Premiere lacked and Premiere just couldn't compete. Maybe if Adobe had pushed the features of Premiere the way they do with AE et al then it would have stayed a competitive product. But it didn't and they get pissed at Apple for their own lacking ways.
Originally posted by DVDSP
I'd relax a little if Apple came out with a compositing app that equalled or bettered AE. I realize they have Shake but the price structure for that is way above what it is for AE (the yearly maintenance fee is more than I paid for AE Pro bundle). Who knows, maybe they're working on Shake Express right now. :)

Oh no, I want Shake, not any watered down version. Also I think they need a couple more tools to match up with AE before they try to take it on as competition.
Uhhh, no, Adobe isn't going anymore, not for the moment. Something that was in their annual thing that goes out to their stockholders said something close to 50% of their sales of Photoshop and AI were Mac versions. (This almost made me go "wow" considering Apple's not even 3% in sales until I also remembered peecee users usually steal all their software so for actual "sales" it makes sense).

As far as Protools for OS X goes, uh, it's out, it's been out since last year, they even had part of the stage during a Stevenote™ last year. In fact the good folks at Digidesign who make Protools started on the Mac and still come out with their products on the Mac first, before XP versions. That guy was full of bull cocka!
Re: Re: Adobe Discontinuing Mac Support!?!

Originally posted by patrick0brien
B. He's stupid and shouldn't be allowed in public.

If that were a criterium, there wouldn't be much of a public left :)
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