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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 15, 2007
Boston, MA
Hello. I'm assuming Lightroom is Universal, but can someone please verify? Also, those with experience how would you compare it to Aperture? (and Capture NX)?

Thank you.


macrumors 6502a
Just DL'd my copy a few minutes ago. Yes its universal. I've never played with Aperture or Capture NX log enough to make a valid comparison. Do a search on Aperture vs Lightroom comparisons. Just be sure to check out some forums other then this one. As can be expected Aperture tends to win out on this forum, but there are plenty of other sources where LR gets the nod. My problem with making my own comparisons is that I just do not have the time to invest in learning 2 or 3 different applications for digital management. I just kind of picked LR, liked what I saw in the beta and stuck with it. I had dl'd the Aperture trial, but ever did much with it. Not because I liked it any less then LR, just didn't have the time for 2 programs.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Just be sure to check out some forums other then this one. As can be expected Aperture tends to win out on this forum, but there are plenty of other sources where LR gets the nod./QUOTE]

Agreed. At this board, 4/5 users seem to like Aperture more than Lightroom, but on other boards I've been to, Aperture doesn't even rank. People talk about workflows involving Rawshooter, iView, Bridge, Photoshop, DxO, and quite a few other programs, but they never mention comparing it to an Aperture workflow. However, people do seem to compare their old workflow with a Lightroom workflow. At least Lightroom appears to get more recognition than Aperture on boards outside this one.

I was surprised when I found this out 2 weeks ago, since almost people here feel that Aperture is better. I thought people here were being impartial, but.....well, this is an Apple board. :eek:
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