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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 31, 2010
Midlife, Midwest
As a visitor to more than a few technology-related websites, I have to say how thoroughly sick I am of being bombarded, several times a day, with Adobe's current slew of advertising.

I'm think specifically of the "Are you on Woo Woo?" one, where a tech startup goes "all in" on a fictitious social media platform, while the bearded hipsters who first bring it to their attention ditch it during the course of a single elevator ride. There is also the vaguely disquieting "Mean Streets" where a disheveled marketing executive is busted for "buying clicks" from a guy who looks like Brad Pitt's 'Tyler Durden' character in 'Fight Club'.


Thanks to the Internet, I know that these ads have been on since June and October or 2014 respectively. And Adobe succeeded, admirably, at catching my attention, and informing me of their capabilities with these commercials.

But by now, I'm really tired of seeing them, over and over.

I generally like Adobe, as a company and product maker. I've actually recommended Adobe's Acrobat secure signature management products and services to a few financial management firms I do business with.

But its time for the people at Adobe to spend some money and update their commercial roster.
Adobe need to do a damn sight more than just update their commercials! They just seem to be getting worse and worse in every area ... :mad:

Anyway, to the question in hand: I'd possibly suggest using an Adblocker on specific websites, if you're constantly getting the same advert on a certain page. Also a lot of the pages use Google advertising which pretty much spams you with what you've visited - sadly if you use Adobe products a lot or search for terms relating to Adobe, it's likely you'll be inundated with those adverts. :(

I for one haven't ever seen that Adobe advert (likely for the Google ad reason), though I doubt that's very little consolation.

TL;DR: between losing your wits, or your favourite website losing some revenue, I'd suggest an Adblocker.

I'll try that. I will say that I've put off using an adblocker extension for the silly reason that I felt ad-supported websites needed the financial support such advertising brings in. And if watching the odd- 10 or 20 second web clip was my price of admission, then that was fair.

But by bombarding me, constantly, with junk I think that both the journalists, the advertisers, and companies like Google have broken the implicit contract.

Thanks again for your suggestion.
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