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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 8, 2005
Santa Rosa, California
I've done a search here and online but nothing comes up directly for Photoshop Certification, etc. but....

I have a question about how/where to get Adobe Photoshop Certification at. I've been thinking of it for a few months now, not really 100% in either direction, but finally decided on it for a few reasons. One, it'll help for clients and workplaces that need more advanced level projects done. Two, I've heard that Adobe keeps your info for business so that if a business is in need of someone for Photoshop work, they can contact you. Three, it never hurts to have that you are certified on your resume' and business card. :D

I've looked on Adobe and I think it says it cost $150 for the exam. Is that correct? Am I looking in the right spot?

Next question is, what should I do to prepare for the exam? I'm looking for a CS3 training DVD to learn extra things that I haven't picked up over the years.

So let me sum it up: where do I go to find out about certification and where can I find a DVD/Book for training in CS3? (Mainly DVD if possible)


Digital Skunk

macrumors G3
Dec 23, 2006
In my imagination
I would ask myself if I even need the certification. In this day and age the only reason you would need it is if someone is asking you for certification or you are trying to be a PS freelancer where many of your clients will pay you more since you are certified. It is a bit expensive if not unnecessary.

Either way... you just have to find a location near you that gives the test. In Maryland there are a few spots that give many pro app certification tests especially in Apple and Adobe software, so just look for a location near you on the web. ;)
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