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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 24, 2010
So I received an extensive email survey request from Adobe. They said it would take 20 min., and it almost did. Anyone taking it would be forced to conclude they are looking very closely at their recent software distribution policies. The main part presented near a dozen price/distribution scenarios, all of them listing both subscription and "perpetual license" options, each with varying pricing. For my personal/business reasons, I selected PL options, and no CC, for every scenario. I was also allowed to present my opinion: That all involved would be best served if they offered BOTH options again, i.e., subscription and perpetual licenses for all of their products, as their diverse customer base has varying needs.
I would strongly encourage anyone able to complete this survey to do so, and ask that they request Adobe to revisit their CC only policy.
Been there, done that. At the end of the survey you could add an additional comment. In the comment section I asked them to reconsider bringing back the PL and offering the 2 models. A lot of small businesses can not afford to pay the subscription prices. But in the end I do not see it happening. I honestly think it is all about the money. If Adobe does consider it, kudos to them.
So I received an extensive email survey request from Adobe. They said it would take 20 min., and it almost did. Anyone taking it would be forced to conclude they are looking very closely at their recent software distribution policies. The main part presented near a dozen price/distribution scenarios, all of them listing both subscription and "perpetual license" options, each with varying pricing. For my personal/business reasons, I selected PL options, and no CC, for every scenario. I was also allowed to present my opinion: That all involved would be best served if they offered BOTH options again, i.e., subscription and perpetual licenses for all of their products, as their diverse customer base has varying needs.
I would strongly encourage anyone able to complete this survey to do so, and ask that they request Adobe to revisit their CC only policy.
I think I got one of those recently, haven't had time to respond to anything lately, but I'd love to rake Adobe over the coals for their short-sighted profit grab.

They used to be able to count on me to buy every upgrade, now they get nada.
I have CS6 and that is the last purchase I will be doing from Adobe. I think my opinion is rather clear about their newly forced "subscription" venue.
Here's hoping! The problem is a lot of software is moving towards the subscription model and, with consumers only having so much income to throw around, there are bound to be losers. You want to play that game, Adobe? Then don't be a sore loser when little Jimmy chooses Spotify and Office365 over Creative Suite.
Here's hoping! The problem is a lot of software is moving towards the subscription model and, with consumers only having so much income to throw around, there are bound to be losers. You want to play that game, Adobe? Then don't be a sore loser when little Jimmy chooses Spotify and Office365 over Creative Suite.

Why can "little Jimmy" afford to drop a grand or two (USD) for a perpetual license to Adobe software but can't afford $50/mo?

There are issues w/CC but upfront cost is certainly not one of them.
yes, agreed, but why would they present so many PL scenarios/price points if they weren't at least considering bringing it back?

I am not sure of the thinking behind the survey. One would hope they will reconsider PL. I have heard and read enough public anger over it. Maybe they are considering more cost levels of CC. Right now it is $20 or $50 per month. Then there is also the business level and I will not go there.

Why can "little Jimmy" afford to drop a grand or two (USD) for a perpetual license to Adobe software but can't afford $50/mo?

There are issues w/CC but upfront cost is certainly not one of them.

I will agree with you that upfront cost on CC is cheaper and opens up their products to more people who can not afford to plunk down a lot of money, but with a PL you have the option as to when you want to upgrade. Also the grand or two is only initial cost. The upgrades were around $600. None the less a lot of money.

I am in the printing industry and our prepress upgrades Adobe every second version. In our industry, we do not require all the added features of every upgrade. So why pay for what you do not need.

For small business the CC model does not work well. If you require one program it is $20/mth, but any more than one it is $50/mth. Mind you at $50/mth it gives you access to all they software. We do not require that though. We need Illustrator, Photoshop & Indesign, so why would we want to pay $30/mth additional just to use one more program.

With a PL you had many more cost choices, plus longer life from the software. As I said it would be nice of Adobe to reconsider their selling options. Keep CC but reconsider the PL. With PL at least you will always be able to open your files. With CC you are stuck continually paying to open files you have created.

I have nothing against CC and will have to eventually move their myself if Adobe does not bring back PL.
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I'm sticking to LR 4 + CS6 until it simply won't work on whatever Mac I'm using. I'm not paying for Photoshop for the rest of my life Adobe.

Adobe is not the only game in town anymore.
I read something a couple of years ago when Adobe was reporting quarterly earnings or something like that where Adobe was explaining its drop in earnings to stock analysts. It was related to not enough people purchasing upgrades of their products. Specifically mentioned was the apparently widespread practice of skipping a version and upgrading only every other version. That is what I have typically done with my Adobe Master Collection. They talked about taking steps to alleviate this "problem". It wasn't long after that that they announced the first subscription model.
I read something a couple of years ago when Adobe was reporting quarterly earnings or something like that where Adobe was explaining its drop in earnings to stock analysts. It was related to not enough people purchasing upgrades of their products. Specifically mentioned was the apparently widespread practice of skipping a version and upgrading only every other version. That is what I have typically done with my Adobe Master Collection. They talked about taking steps to alleviate this "problem". It wasn't long after that that they announced the first subscription model.

Skipping versions makes since to customers. Every version doesn't feel like you're getting much of an upgrade. When I went from CS4 to CS6, it felt like an upgrade and thus worth the upgrade price I paid - at least to me. I know people that upgraded from CS3 to CS6, which I'm sure it's like a whole new program at that point. However, Adobe trying to keep people on the hook month after month for the rest of their lives is insane. Both models work for both sets of people.
That survey exists because Adobe realized that they way overestimated CC demand. That survey should have been taken before they screwed up, not after.
CC in theory is not a bad idea. But as the only option with minimalist pricing packages offered it does not work.

I can never see my prepress at work ever getting CC. We could not afford things to go wrong. It would be a risk to go CC and having no other option to open our files. A perpetual license is the only way for us to work. The other option is to start looking around for other programs.

CC is great for the average person who just needs Photoshop or any one single program. But need more than one program and it becomes unobtainable for most people. How many people can afford $600/year.

One thing Adobe has done, and that is, they have made the resell market great. Have you seen the prices CS is selling for?

I am in no way standing up for Adobe here. They messed up and hopefully correct it before they lose to much business.
I would be okay with CC if, when you declined to continue, your app was frozen at the last paid version but continued to work. But I miss a bill and now the app doesn't work at all? Absurd.
I have CS6 and that is the last purchase I will be doing from Adobe. I think my opinion is rather clear about their newly forced "subscription" venue.

CS6, along with LR5 were also my last Adobe purchases that I will make. Both programs are integral parts of my post process workflow. I will continue to use both programs hand in hand until neither works on my Mac.
... Keep CC but reconsider the PL. With PL at least you will always be able to open your files. With CC you are stuck continually paying to open files you have created....

Why do so many people think this is true? I can open a file I created in Photoshop with just about ANY other graphic application. EvenPreview will open a PSD file and let me save it.

Maybe Adobe users have never used anything else and just don't know what options that have.
Why do so many people think this is true? I can open a file I created in Photoshop with just about ANY other graphic application. EvenPreview will open a PSD file and let me save it.

Maybe Adobe users have never used anything else and just don't know what options that have.

Yes I was aware of this.

Can I work on that PSD file though? If it is in layers as a lot of my PSD files are then no. I could be wrong and will happily stand corrected if I am.

I have files that are sometimes hundreds of layers that I turn on and off as I require them. To not be able to work with those layers would make my files useless.

Please tell me of other alternatives. I am certainly open to ideas as I am not a fan of CC but have accepted the fact that I may not have another alternative as good as CS6. I use PS, AI, ID, DW, AE & PP mostly. This seems like a lot of programs to search out and replace.

I have invested a lot of money over the years in Adobe products and really do not look forward to investing that kind of money again. Which would also have to be in a short period of time. Not to mention a huge learning curve all over again.

I have CS6 and will be sticking with that as long as I can, as the industry I am in is still not even caught up to that as of yet.
For small business the CC model does not work well. If you require one program it is $20/mth, but any more than one it is $50/mth.
I was initially thinking the same thing but I've actually heard more about small to medium sized businesses going to CC quicker than larger, corporate sized organizations as the subscription model requires different accounting procedures as opposed to buying a perpetual license that can be handled like any other capital expenditure.

It wasn't long after that that they announced the first subscription model.
The first step Adobe took was changing their prices so that upgrade pricing only applied to the next version. People that skipped a version would pay full retail.

That survey exists because Adobe realized that they way overestimated CC demand. That survey should have been taken before they screwed up, not after.
Surveys came out prior to CC but no one really talked about them because people didn't think Adobe would move away from PL so quickly. I remember an early one that asked if I thought $150/mo was a fair price for access to the Master Collection. I said no.

I would be okay with CC if, when you declined to continue, your app was frozen at the last paid version but continued to work. But I miss a bill and now the app doesn't work at all? Absurd.
Agreed. I think having some sort of loyalty/buyout option is required.
I was initially thinking the same thing but I've actually heard more about small to medium sized businesses going to CC quicker than larger, corporate sized organizations as the subscription model requires different accounting procedures as opposed to buying a perpetual license that can be handled like any other capital expenditure.

I am not going to argue with your statement as I do not know that facts. I can only talk about the conversations that have gone on in my location.

I work for one of the top 3 largest sheet-fed printers in Edmonton, Alberta. All are using CS5 or CS6. We also work with some of the largest design houses in Alberta and yes a lot have gone CC, only due to not having a good alternative. Still over half are using CS.

This has been discussed by all of us here in the industry. Adobe is the industry standard and was accepted so many years ago. We all have concerns with this subscription model and have been sitting on the fence to see if Adobe will listen to the displeasure that has been discussed among the public.

Both a subscription and perpetual license models have their place. And I personally think, would be a much better option for people and industries that use Adobe software. This would also help Adobe settle down some of the uproar.

This has been an interesting subject for some time now. Some people absolutely hate CC and feel like they are being held hostage by Adobe. I am sitting on the fence and can go either way. Others have totally accepted it and have moved on to CC.

It will certainly be interesting to see how Adobe uses this latest survey. I hope it is to restructure the subscription pricing models or consideration for bringing back perpetual licensing.
I would be okay with CC if, when you declined to continue, your app was frozen at the last paid version but continued to work.

So you want people to sign up, pay for the month, then leave, having spent only £46.88 on the whole thing?
I am not going to argue with your statement as I do not know that facts. I can only talk about the conversations that have gone on in my location.
Same here. Just anecdotal evidence from what I've heard (both in person and on industry forums). My perspective is from the video side though so it could be very different from what you see.

So you want people to sign up, pay for the month, then leave, having spent only £46.88 on the whole thing?
There would of course have to be a minimum purchase amount. For example, full price for CC is $600/yr (USD) and the Master Collection is, I think, $2500 (USD) so maybe every 4 years of CC you get a perpetual license for the most current version of all the CC apps. If you want to exit 'early' and get a perpetual license you can just pay the difference between $2400 and how much you've already paid in CC subscriptions.
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