I am interetsed in teahcing myself advanced techniques (advanced formulas, macros, etc.) in Excel and was hoping you could reccomend a place to accomplish this. A book, website or anything else would be great. Thanks in advance for your help.
I am interetsed in teahcing myself advanced techniques (advanced formulas, macros, etc.) in Excel and was hoping you could reccomend a place to accomplish this. A book, website or anything else would be great. Thanks in advance for your help.
* Shadow an expert at work
* Analyse and audit every file sent to you
* Even the most minor understanding of VBA macros will make you look like a God in most organisations
* Get used to constantly using shortcuts (however, these are best suited to right-handed people as they are generally on the left hand side of the keyboard)
* Don't bother attending third party courses as these are money for old rope.
Personally, I've never needed books or websites, but I know there is some above average stuff out there; sadly most of it is below.
I am interetsed in teahcing myself advanced techniques (advanced formulas, macros, etc.) in Excel and was hoping you could reccomend a place to accomplish this. A book, website or anything else would be great. Thanks in advance for your help.
I have this .pdf ebook "Excel Programing" by Jinjer Simon, that I found really useful. The link will take you to the publishing company's site. I gets quite involved in VBA programming, but logical enough for beginers.