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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Dec 10, 2004
So my friend is wanting to buy a Mac but he also wants a good, relatively cheap TV PVR. I told him about the AlchemyTV and he likes that because it is a PCI/PCI-X card and it is cheaper than the EyeTV 200 as well, by a long shot.

So that means he must get a Powermac with PCI/PCI-X slots. Looking at Apple refurbs, they have the Dual 2ghz Rev. B for $1449 and the Rev. C Dual 2ghz at $1549. He wants to record shows and put them on his ipod. And he also does video editing and wants to use Final Cut Express (which is the main reason he is switching to the Mac).

Which computer should he get? I realize that he could get the EyeTV 200 and the Dual Core 2ghz. But that would be a little over his budget. Seeing as a refurb Dual Core is $1699+300 for the EyeTV.

He wouldn't miss anything major in the dual processors vs dual core would he? mainly with the video card performance, might have to upgrade that if he gets the Dual CPU?
My advice is simple - get the best he can reasonably afford. If he can't afford the dual core, then it really doesn't matter if it's a somewhat better machine.

Any of them should do what it sounds like he is looking to accomplish. If he gets the less expensive Rev B device then he had more cash left over for other upgrades (memory, video card, software, etc.).
Just get a 17" Intel iMac and an EyeTV. FCE will run on it shortly.

And don't expect immediate responses to everything you ask.
A refurb sounds like a good bet, unless he wants to wait for a couple of months for an Intel 'PowerMac.' Just make sure it is PCI/PCI-X, I'm not sure wheather PCIe is backwards compatible or vice versa.

He won't notice anything different between dual processors or dual core.
pknz said:
A refurb sounds like a good bet, unless he wants to wait for a couple of months for an Intel 'PowerMac.' Just make sure it is PCI/PCI-X, I'm not sure wheather PCIe is backwards compatible or vice versa.

He won't notice anything different between dual processors or dual core.

should he just get an eyetv and mac mini to hold him over until the intel macs?
i think the mac mini would be too slow for him. it probably needs to be a dual. the intel imac would probably last a while, but compared to a dual 2ghz g5, they probably last the same i'm thinking. While the imac will have the apps and such being intel, the g5 can still be upgraded RAM wise and the intel imac cannot. and he wants to keep his 2005fpw monitor as well, so it really needs to be the powermac i think
Sounds like you've answered your question, then. Pick the Power Mac that best fits his budget and go with it. I'm sure he'll be happy with it regardless. Plus, not to be expected, but many times the refurbs will actually come better equipped (RAM/HD) than stated on the website. An added potential bonus, anyway.
emw said:
Sounds like you've answered your question, then. Pick the Power Mac that best fits his budget and go with it. I'm sure he'll be happy with it regardless. Plus, not to be expected, but many times the refurbs will actually come better equipped (RAM/HD) than stated on the website. An added potential bonus, anyway.

should he get the refurb $1549 Rev C? or the Rev B 1449? Basically, 4 extra RAM slots on the cheaper one,but wouldn't have to upgrade video card for his work.
Since I don't see the Rev B up on the Apple site, he may want to jump on the Rev C before it's gone. Of course at that point it's only another $150 to go with the Dual Core. Again - buy the most he can afford.

The whole Intel iMac isn't a bad idea either, especially since it won't be too long I'm sure before FCE is universal binary. It just doesn't have the expansion, if he's interested in that.
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