So my friend is wanting to buy a Mac but he also wants a good, relatively cheap TV PVR. I told him about the AlchemyTV and he likes that because it is a PCI/PCI-X card and it is cheaper than the EyeTV 200 as well, by a long shot.
So that means he must get a Powermac with PCI/PCI-X slots. Looking at Apple refurbs, they have the Dual 2ghz Rev. B for $1449 and the Rev. C Dual 2ghz at $1549. He wants to record shows and put them on his ipod. And he also does video editing and wants to use Final Cut Express (which is the main reason he is switching to the Mac).
Which computer should he get? I realize that he could get the EyeTV 200 and the Dual Core 2ghz. But that would be a little over his budget. Seeing as a refurb Dual Core is $1699+300 for the EyeTV.
He wouldn't miss anything major in the dual processors vs dual core would he? mainly with the video card performance, might have to upgrade that if he gets the Dual CPU?
So that means he must get a Powermac with PCI/PCI-X slots. Looking at Apple refurbs, they have the Dual 2ghz Rev. B for $1449 and the Rev. C Dual 2ghz at $1549. He wants to record shows and put them on his ipod. And he also does video editing and wants to use Final Cut Express (which is the main reason he is switching to the Mac).
Which computer should he get? I realize that he could get the EyeTV 200 and the Dual Core 2ghz. But that would be a little over his budget. Seeing as a refurb Dual Core is $1699+300 for the EyeTV.
He wouldn't miss anything major in the dual processors vs dual core would he? mainly with the video card performance, might have to upgrade that if he gets the Dual CPU?