Thank you for your response, much appreciated.
Info in case this might mean something??:
I've been trying many different uneducated ideas or pieces of info I'm grabbing off different searches. So every time I plug the drive back into the computer the password gate does come up and even though I put in the correct password the first time it rejects it however the second time it consistently accepts the password and like I say I can see the drive in disk utility and see that it is listed as unmounted.
Yes I am seeing that encryption is a pain - this is not a work drive just used as storage. I will say I was robbed(laptop) a while back and it was extremely unnerving to think what files (financial but more importantly identify) where accidentally left on that drive. I have a family member who had their identity stolen and to this day a decade later it is still a ridiculous hassle. With passport, drivers license, SS card in hand... "sorry the computer is showing a red flag we can't help you" but we took care of this!