I am looking to create a very simple app. Essentially it’s a backend database connected to a user facing skin, not unlike imdb.com. For example, the database would have lists of movies and actors, and the user could click on a movie to see which actors are in it, and click on an actor's name to find out what other movies they are in.
I have zero programming experience, and I am just looking to build the 1.0 version of this app myself. If I get positive feedback I’ll bring on developers to build a better UI and a more robust database. But I’d like to try to get something very basic off the ground first.
I suppose for the moment I need a backend database and a way to design the UI. I could try to build the UI myself in Xcode but I’m not above using an existing template. Is there a Squarespce for iOS app development?
I noticed that Microsoft Azure has an App Service that could make it easy to create a UI for both web and iOS, the connects to their own SQL, all with every little programming. Is that a good option?
My preference would be that whatever tools I use are free or very low cost as this is just a hobby for the moment. Also, I’m hoping a future developer could take what I’ve done and either build upon my groundwork or import the data into a more robust solution.
What are the best tools to build this initial version of the app?
I have zero programming experience, and I am just looking to build the 1.0 version of this app myself. If I get positive feedback I’ll bring on developers to build a better UI and a more robust database. But I’d like to try to get something very basic off the ground first.
I suppose for the moment I need a backend database and a way to design the UI. I could try to build the UI myself in Xcode but I’m not above using an existing template. Is there a Squarespce for iOS app development?
I noticed that Microsoft Azure has an App Service that could make it easy to create a UI for both web and iOS, the connects to their own SQL, all with every little programming. Is that a good option?
My preference would be that whatever tools I use are free or very low cost as this is just a hobby for the moment. Also, I’m hoping a future developer could take what I’ve done and either build upon my groundwork or import the data into a more robust solution.
What are the best tools to build this initial version of the app?