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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 20, 2008
Firstly, apologies if this has been asked and answered before!

I have a 16GB 2G iPhone that came with 1.1.2 OTB.

I unlocked and jailbroke the iPhone using Ziphone and haven't updated anything since. I now want to update it to the latest version and keep it unlocked, I'm not bothered about it been Jailbroken as long as the Apple App Store will work. I am currently using a Vodafone monthly contract sim.

In the settings it says I am running Version 1.1.3 (4A93) with Modem Firmware 04.02.13_G and when I get the baseband version using Baseband Info it says my Bootloader Version is 4.6_M3S2.

I've done a search on this subject and there seem to be conflicting ways of doing it.

So basically, what I'm asking is:

What is the best method for updating to 2.2 whilst keeping my iPhone unlocked, I'm not bothered that all the settings will be lost on my phone, I can sort that out later. Am I OK to restore it via iTunes and then use Pwnage?
I am in the exact same boat, except I have a 1st gen 8GB. I almost started a similar thread.
I would factory restore first to 2.2, then run quickpwn. Afterwards, download BootNeuter from Cydia and Neuter the baseband so you can use Vodaphone.
Update to 2.2 with iTunes, run PwnageTool, actually search the forums next time.

I've looked up and down the forums, but it is a pain wading through the unlock guide. I am just hesitant to go through with the upgrade to 2.2 because I don't want to brick my iPhone.
I've looked up and down the forums, but it is a pain wading through the unlock guide. I am just hesitant to go through with the upgrade to 2.2 because I don't want to brick my iPhone.

Pain? You find the firmware, you find the bootloaders, it does all the work for you.

It's impossible to brick it unless you unplug it while the firmware is loading.
All done and dusted.

Thanks for replys, was just worried I might do some harm to iPhone with it been "Ziphoned" before.

I'm scared! I've searched, read, I know what to do. I so want to upgrade (am using my 8g 1.2 which I love to bits) but would be gutted if it went wrong. I dont know enough...

Should I risk it? (I want google calender for work and I know I'll love the new features)

Someone hold my hand please....:D
Should I risk it? (I want google calender for work and I know I'll love the new features)

No. Don't "risk it". The unlocking/jailbreaking process is very easy, very safe, and very well understood, but if you've read the notes on the safety of unlocking, if you've followed this thread and you *still* are scared, then jailbreaking and firmware modification is not for you.
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